Bulbettes: Free MYO event! [XMAS MYO UPDATE]

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by BoingusSpoingus

Hiya! I'm hosting a MYO event for my new closed species Bulbettes!

UPDATE2: Christmas MYO event! You can nab a slot with two fairy lights and a Christmas exclusive Star Topper light source! https://www.deviantart.com/bethy-booth/journal/Bulbette-Christmas-MYO-Event-776393306

UPDATE: Christmas Raffle here! It's free to join - you just need a Deviantart account! https://www.deviantart.com/bethy-booth/art/Bulbette-Christmas-Mystery-Raffle-OPEN-774704189


Bulbettes are a humanoid species that grows a power cable tail and one or more light sources on their body when they hit puberty. Though originally from Ellula, a planet of darkness, Bulbettes have now spread all over the universe.

Instead of sleeping, Bulbettes recharge using their power cable tails. The socket type of their tail can change if they need it to, but it changes back to the original socket type when not in use.

NOTE: I know all the examples are female, but male Bulbettes exist and are called Torchies. I just drew what I was comfortable with for the reference sheet :'))) There are no gender rarities for this species, so feel free to make Torchies!

To claim your MYO, just comment! MYOs for this event can use any mix of common and uncommon traits, as well as one rare trait. If you'd like access to an Upgraded Slot, join my DeviantArt group for Bulbettes! With an upgraded slot, you can choose one of two slot options: [Unlimited Common and Uncommon traits and 2 Rare traits] OR [Unlimited Common and Uncommon traits and 1 Legendary trait]. One slot per person please. https://www.deviantart.com/bulbettes

You can also purchase "batteries" to get more rare traits:

AA Battery ($1USD) = One Rare Trait | AAA Battery ($2USD) = One Legendary or Two Rare Traits | D Battery ($3USD) = Two Legendary or One Mythical Trait

Just let me know if you want to purchase something and I'll inbox you my Paypal.me!

You can post in this thread for approval or inbox/note me on any platform you like ^_^ I'm in Australia, so my responses might be a bit slow because of the time difference :')

This event will close on the 10th of December AEST, and I'll be having a Christmas event a few days after, so keep an eye out!


I'll link to your cuties when I get the info so everyone can check each others amazing designs out!

Claimed Slots (toyhou.se):

1. Kayelsea (Upgraded Slot)

2. Piyuem (Upgraded Slot)

3. Milkweed (Upgraded Slot)

4. Pramina (Normal Slot)

5. SqueakyBats (Upgraded Slot)

6. serene-bambi (Upgraded Slot)

7. Yoaisami (Upgraded Slot)

8. Almondlover (Upgraded Slot)

9. ThatOneWow (UpgradedSlot)

10. raenbee (Upgraded Slot)

11. Siegfried (Upgraded Slot)

12. Tone (Normal Slot)

Claimed Slots (DeviantArt):

1. fickle-adopts (Upgraded Slot)

2. retrokiller (Upgraded Slot)

3. Truedeer17 (Upgraded Slot)

4. DavidRiki (Upgraded Slot)

5. EmTwiNesse (Upgraded Slot)

6. KannaYui (Normal Slot)

7. AriaBuraun (Upgraded Slot)

8. Machi-Ato (Upgraded Slot)

9. OpalDeerling (Normal Slot)

10. some-headless-guy (Upgraded Slot)


Bumpity bump! I'd also love some thoughts/criticisms if you have any!


Joined the group, can I get that upgraded Myo slot? <3


Kayelsea Absolutely! Have fun making your Bulbette :D Can't wait to see what you make ^_^


I'll be coming back later,, Don't have alot of time to look around atm ;;


O: O: ! ! ! Ahhh congratulations!! This is such a great idea!!

I'd like a MYO slot please!! //desperately wants to make a Christmas Tree Bulbette lmaoo

I've got several questions if you don't mind!!

Is it one MYO/person? (I assume so but just confirming)

Do the tailcords have to be the same color as their hair? (just basing off the example there///)

If a bulbette were to have glowstick, fluro lights, fairy light, or UV paint in the hips, torso, neck, or face area, will it circle around and act like a belt¿ ish or ? (again, basing off the example, specifically the triple light sources one)

What does it mean by body part replacement? Would it be possible to have, for example, a bare bulb in place of a bulbette's arm or leg?


Hello! These are really cool! I have joined the group -- could I get an upgraded MYO slot? (Also, for the mismatched eyes -- would heterochromatic eyes of the same type count as mismatched? And for a glow-stick around the head area, could you use it kinda like a halo, or would it have to be physically connected to the body at all points?)


could i claim an MYO slot? these seem really interesting <3


Joined the group! I am under the name SpazzTwizzler on there! I would love to make one of these and they would be a torchie and could I get the upgraded slot? <3 


Joined your group!! I’d like to claim one of these babs with an upgraded slot (: ❤️


Joined the group!

I would love an upgraded slot :D


I've realised I'm in a totally different time zone to most peeps :')

Pramina Of course! Just the regular slot?

SqueakyBats serene-bambi Yoaisami Upgraded slots are all yours! So excited to see what you guys all make! :D

Milkweed Upgraded slot is yours! Mismatched applies to the pupil type, I forgot all about heterochromatic eyes but I think I'll list it as an uncommon trait. I'll have to update the sheet :') Seeing as the light source grows from the body, some part of it has to be touching the body. Not all of it has to be touching though, just one point. You could make the glowstick halo and have one glowstick act like a stick to hold it up like in halloween costumes, if that suits ^_^

Piyuem A christmas tree Bulbette would be so cute aahhh!!! Yeah, I should've specified it was one MYO per person. I'll edit that in. Did you want a regular slot or upgraded slot? ^_^ Tail cords don't have to be the same colour as the hair, I mostly just liked it for aesthetics :3 For anything that "loops" (fairy lights, glowsticks and UV Paint), it can circle around that body part as much as you like. However some point of the light source has to be touching skin, as the light source grows out of the body and doesn't just float around (well, yet. I was thinking of maybe introducing a floating light source trait). That is exactly body part replacement! My thinking was having say the upper arm being a bar light, but the lower arm and hand being attached and functional. Limb replacement doesn't affect functionality unless for example you decide to replace a hand or whole arm with a light source. I'm happy to answer any more questions you might have ^_^



Ahh thank you so much! I'm so excited to make one. :D (Your sheet is so cute btw.) Oh shoot sorry, one more question -- are males/Torchies okay to make as well? Or nonbinary Bulbettes/Torchies? 


BethyBooth  just the regular slot! c: i dont have a dA hnhgjk but thank you!


oh yes! i saw these guys over on da and have been excited to snag a slot! I've joined the group!


Milkweed aaaahh thank you! I spent so much more time on it than I should've, but I love a pretty ref sheet :')) Torchies/Nonbinary Bulbettes are totally fine to make! I don't have any sort of gender rarity planned :3

Pramina All good! Can't wait to see your cutie :D