Bulbettes: Free MYO event! [XMAS MYO UPDATE]

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by BoingusSpoingus

Hiya! I'm hosting a MYO event for my new closed species Bulbettes!

UPDATE2: Christmas MYO event! You can nab a slot with two fairy lights and a Christmas exclusive Star Topper light source! https://www.deviantart.com/bethy-booth/journal/Bulbette-Christmas-MYO-Event-776393306

UPDATE: Christmas Raffle here! It's free to join - you just need a Deviantart account! https://www.deviantart.com/bethy-booth/art/Bulbette-Christmas-Mystery-Raffle-OPEN-774704189


Bulbettes are a humanoid species that grows a power cable tail and one or more light sources on their body when they hit puberty. Though originally from Ellula, a planet of darkness, Bulbettes have now spread all over the universe.

Instead of sleeping, Bulbettes recharge using their power cable tails. The socket type of their tail can change if they need it to, but it changes back to the original socket type when not in use.

NOTE: I know all the examples are female, but male Bulbettes exist and are called Torchies. I just drew what I was comfortable with for the reference sheet :'))) There are no gender rarities for this species, so feel free to make Torchies!

To claim your MYO, just comment! MYOs for this event can use any mix of common and uncommon traits, as well as one rare trait. If you'd like access to an Upgraded Slot, join my DeviantArt group for Bulbettes! With an upgraded slot, you can choose one of two slot options: [Unlimited Common and Uncommon traits and 2 Rare traits] OR [Unlimited Common and Uncommon traits and 1 Legendary trait]. One slot per person please. https://www.deviantart.com/bulbettes

You can also purchase "batteries" to get more rare traits:

AA Battery ($1USD) = One Rare Trait | AAA Battery ($2USD) = One Legendary or Two Rare Traits | D Battery ($3USD) = Two Legendary or One Mythical Trait

Just let me know if you want to purchase something and I'll inbox you my Paypal.me!

You can post in this thread for approval or inbox/note me on any platform you like ^_^ I'm in Australia, so my responses might be a bit slow because of the time difference :')

This event will close on the 10th of December AEST, and I'll be having a Christmas event a few days after, so keep an eye out!


I'll link to your cuties when I get the info so everyone can check each others amazing designs out!

Claimed Slots (toyhou.se):

1. Kayelsea (Upgraded Slot)

2. Piyuem (Upgraded Slot)

3. Milkweed (Upgraded Slot)

4. Pramina (Normal Slot)

5. SqueakyBats (Upgraded Slot)

6. serene-bambi (Upgraded Slot)

7. Yoaisami (Upgraded Slot)

8. Almondlover (Upgraded Slot)

9. ThatOneWow (UpgradedSlot)

10. raenbee (Upgraded Slot)

11. Siegfried (Upgraded Slot)

12. Tone (Normal Slot)

Claimed Slots (DeviantArt):

1. fickle-adopts (Upgraded Slot)

2. retrokiller (Upgraded Slot)

3. Truedeer17 (Upgraded Slot)

4. DavidRiki (Upgraded Slot)

5. EmTwiNesse (Upgraded Slot)

6. KannaYui (Normal Slot)

7. AriaBuraun (Upgraded Slot)

8. Machi-Ato (Upgraded Slot)

9. OpalDeerling (Normal Slot)

10. some-headless-guy (Upgraded Slot)


Yoaisami Omg love his design!!! Little bartender/business boi aaahhh!! 2 whole arts bless!!!!! :D

I hate to throw a spanner in your works, but the upgraded slot lets you have either two rare traits or one legendary trait, and your light source is rare (glowsticks) and the socket type is legendary (USB). You could change the light source or the socket type, whatever works for you ^_^ Socket type would probably be the easiest to change imo :3


Oops! I read it wrong rip XD

and yeah, I didn't have anything planned for the USB anyway lol, I can change it with 2 lines :3

I'm thinking of making the other rare into the no pupil, because my art style interfers with drawing pupils in general atm~ ((So that I have 2 rares))

Or I can make my tail type long ((rare)) so that bartender boy can hold glasses of drinks with his tail? (With practice of course)

Will fix it up and report back to you as soon as I can! :D


Yoaisami that's all good! I love the no pupil trait, it's so cool :D But the tail holding glasses is even cooler that'd be so neat!!! :D


OH THIS LOOKS SO COOL.... I love this species idea!! May I make one?


Tone AAAAHH THANK YOU!!! :D And of course! A Regular or Upgraded Slot (Upgraded you'll need a Deviantart for :')))? :3

Also I'm in love with your pfp aaaaahhhhh


I’m gonna have to do regular because I don’t use DA aaa- ;w;

Also ty it’s by wuvsbian on tumblr!!!


That's all good! I'll add you to the list with a regular slot ^_^

Aaaaahhh, will go follow them now ; v ;


Hi guys! The MYO Event is now over, and I just wanted to go over a couple MYO slot rules! (Forgot to put them in the first post!). They're really simple - I hope to see your designs soon!!!

MYO Slot Rules:

-You can make the Bulbette yourself or get someone else to, I don't mind! I may do customs when life slows down a bit :')))

-You can trade a MYO slot, just please leave a comment here and let me know who you've traded to

-You cannot sell a MYO slot

-You must get your design approved before it becomes official. Feel free to note me or leave a comment with a link so I can approve it!

-I would love for you to post your Bulbette on DA so I can add it to the gallery in the Bulbette group! Not really a rule, since you don't have to :')

I won't tag anyone who has already submitted their design! Kayelsea Piyuem Milkweed SqueakyBats serene-bambi Almondlover ThatOneWow raenbee Siegfried Tone

The MYO slot tracker is also on DA, with some people's creations already linked up! Feel free to check it out! https://www.deviantart.com/bethy-booth/journal/Bulbette-MYO-Slot-Tracker-776095484

Edited AGAIN to add: If you missed out, or if you're just interested in owning another Bulbette, I'm having a free Christmas raffle! You can enter here! https://www.deviantart.com/bethy-booth/art/Bulbette-Christmas-Mystery-Raffle-OPEN-774704189


BethyBooth oh man im really sorry; im really weighed down in commissions and things and I don't know if I can produce another design or art anytime soon?? ;; idk what to do with the MYO slot but I don't want it to just be collecting dust, so if anyone else wants one, they can have mine ;; im so so sorry, I need to start mangaging my art better



btw I don't think there is a deadline for the bulbettes,, so if you really still want one, I think you can take care of your other stuff first and then set out to finish your character! 


School has been really hectic but I'm happy to report my MYO is actually almost finished !! <3


Tone That's okay! I didn't have a deadline/expiry date in mind for the slots from this event, so if you want to gift it to a friend or something you can, but I really don't mind if you keep it until you're ready to use it ^_^ Good luck with all your commissions! I feel that hectic life stuff, I've had a lot going on too :'))


Siegfried Aaaahhh I'm so excited to see!!! Fingers crossed everything settles for you soon, I know when life is hectic it stresses me out so much :'))


Hello! Thank you for the reminder! :D I'm  in the middle of exams right now but as soon as I'm done I will be making a design! I'm so excited to have time for that. 


Milkweed Good luck!!! I'm sure you'll do great! :D I can't wait to see what you make!