Draw an Oc Based on The Image Above You

Posted 4 years, 27 days ago (Edited 3 years, 8 months ago) by WeirdStashGangstaCat

This forum is fairly simple. Which I will start out. I'll post an image and the person who comments next will draw an oc for me based on that image. They will leave an image for the next person. The next commenter will draw an oc for the person above for them, based off the image of course. It's essentially a Draw An Oc Above Forum excepting it's making oc's based on an image. This was started by me and a friend on discord where we would make oc's and characters of images we send back and fourth.The character you make can be anything, furry, humanoid, feral, etc. 

I do have guidelines for this forum so please follow them.

1. It must be a fullbody. It can be any style, as long as it's fullbody and colored. Shading is optional.
2. No tracing or bases. To elaborate I don't want base's to be used at all, even if it's tracing of a base. As for tracing, goes for what I said about base's. It as well rules out tracing over other's oc's. This is a forum where I want creative ideas and improvement to be made.
3. The image you post must exclude humans. However, statue's and silhouettes are fine. If you are not sure, send me a private message and we can talk it out.
4. Your artwork most be completed within a month. If you do not finish it within that month I will be forced to ban you.
5. Be nice, common sense, even if you don't like the oc at least say something nice back.
6. One image per comment. Can also be a gif.
7. No nsfw or gore either. Slight blood is allowed.
8. Only post the image, and the gender you want your oc to be. The rest must be up for the artist drawing it. A surprise.
9. If your the owner of a closed species and make the person above an oc from that specie's that is fine. That's up to. I include this rule due to myself having closed species.
10. Must wait at least 3 people before you can comment again. If the forum is frozen, and your waiting to claim again but 3 people haven't commented. Make sure at least one person has commented before you claim again. 

Banned List:

To start the forum off here's my image.
Sorry for the long link >_>


claiming cybr !

my image:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d2/d6/31/d2d6318d61a7ba77b1555a9c791cd5f3.jpg

preferably anthro !

EDIT: finished! https://toyhou.se/7663935.cybr


Claim! (Cheeber)
My image: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/448248969167389008/
Finished: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425412834831368232/747919278065451028/Image_Forum_Oc.png




Had a lot of fun with this one!


EDIT: I prefer female humans but male humans work too.




I have no preference, have fun with it
My image:


Edit: Done and sent!


The-Kansas-Paradox so I made two versions/OC’s inspired by your image I feel like the one I’m gonna transfer to you fits the aesthetic more.

I’m not sure how character transfers work so if I can’t figure it out I’ll post the pic here when I’m not on mobile.

Female Human/humanoids are preferred. But males are fine too.


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Since it has been months I don't mind an OC based on this image or this image combined with the above. 


This image works too: 