Draw immediately for the person above (ONE HOUR)

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by ZeyTheFox

Don't want to draw for a full hour? You can find my 15 minutes version here.


Rule 1, Minimum requirements: Must be colored in some way (sketchy colors or grayscale are allowed). Digital art highly preferred. Traditional art is allowed if it's scanned, or you can confidently get a very good, high resolution picture of it.

Rule 2: Put actual effort in. All skill levels are welcome, but if I see art that's clearly only a few minute doodle, you will be banned.

Rule 3: When you claim someone, start drawing immediately! If something comes up right after you claim and you are unable to draw, it's okay! Just please don't do it on purpose, and finish as soon as you can. 

Rule 4: SPEND AT LEAST 60 MINUTES ON YOUR ART.Going over because you want to finish something is completely fine through!!! :) You don't want to leave something clearly unfinished, after all.

Rule 5: Whatever you can make in 60 minutes (or more, if you want to) is allowed, as long as it's original art and there's visible effort put in. Headshots, fullbodys, scenes, ect. 

Rule 6: Wait three people between claiming [you] [x] [x] [x] [you]. If the thread is held up for more then 72 hours, you can claim regardless of when your last claim was. 

Rule 7: Wait 2 pages between claiming the same person again. [Claim] [Can't] [Can't] [Claim]. If the thread is held up for more then 72 hours, you can claim the same person regardless of when you last claimed them.

Rule 8: Post at least three characters to choose from. We don't want the thread getting held up by one difficult character. 

Rule 9 Link or show your art in some way. It makes it much harder to run threads and check if everyone is playing fair when people only say "sent" 😅

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⚠️READ RULE 4 again. You MUST spend at least 60 minutes on your art.⚠️

  -  -  -

I run way too many threads to scroll through all the post anymore. I do however, read my PMs. So don't be shy about PMing me with any issues you see <3


Claiming OhScarecrow !

Zephyr is preferred (outfit options) but anyone here or here would be great!!

Edit: Finished!


Edit 2: He's very cute thank you for drawing him!!

This post has been removed.

IzayoiHaze claim!

anyone here please!



Melody H0shiChan

Claim! sprink


IC or Anyone here<3


Claim! H0shiChan

Edit: Finished!


Heartstop on Toyhouse

Solo on Toyhouse 

Castilea on Toyhouse

Any of these three! Clothed versions only please!

bakusho TEUME

Claim! lunalilylover 

High preference for IC as he is my current mega hyperfixation but there are also these: 1 | 2


Uproar (Symbiote Oc) LeArch

Claim! TEUME 

˚₊·❥ Prefer my IC character, If not, im more okay with Him instead :D

