Draw a Ref Sheet for the person above you! V2

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 6 months, 15 days ago) by HQ-THREAD-HUB

Closed - soon to be deleted

The old thread was closed, and open for anyone to remake, so it was brought to our attention.


1. You may only claim once every 2 posts, unless it has been longer then a week, then anyone can claim again. [ Try not to claim the same person multiple times in a row ]
2. Your claim must be finished before you can claim again in thread.
3. You have one month to finish your claim, if your claimer has not finished their ref in that time, please contact them. If the situation escalates, please contact this group.
4. Please specify what you want on your ref sheet. Everybody's definition of ref sheet is different, and if you don't specify, they are allowed to draw it their way. [ Just to add to this, please also make sure you are not asking for to much. If one of your characters you post is asking for multiple poses, additions, chibis, items, ect, then make sure your other characters are more mild in what you want.]

Good example:

Character A: I want a front, back, side pose, and outfit pose, a chibi pose, a head shot and items
Character B: I just want a front and back
Character C: One front pose and one chibi pose.

You must have at least one/or more options that are easy!! [ If your posting more then 2 characters, please have more options with easy wants. If you have an even number of characters posted, feel free to split complex and simple wants evenly ] 

5. Do not draw gore or nsfw on the ref sheets! [ Gore will be allowed, if the user says they are okay with it ]
6. Ping the user you are claiming.
7. When posting, please post at least 2 characters that you want a ref sheet for, to give people more diversity
8. No deleting your post!
9. You must edit your post to include the finished artwork. If it has gore [ make sure the user is okay with this first ] Then post it under a spoiler tag. 

Rules will be updated as this thread is worked on

BLACKLIST [ Click to go to the link with Permanently and Temporarily banned Users ]


Claim mossflower29, I’m doing the mage!

Option 1:

Maddox, humanoid. CW for bug parts and appearance! (Front of his more human form, front and back of his more insect form. Please either include the necklace on both forms, or exclude from both and draw separately. I’m more wishy washy on clothes, so pick an outfit from either image and keep for both forms please!)

Option 2:

Eden, humanoid/anthro/Dragonborn. (Front and back, with hood down. If you could make sure her bag was visible in one, that’d be great! She is also a child, so if you could keep her looking young that would be nice.)

Option 3:

Oriza, humanoid. (Front and back with this general design, in this outfit. If you wouldn't mind including her glasses from her main design, that would be awesome!)

Feel free to dm me with any questions!



Claim! UglyBagels

Eden seems doable! :D

As for who I want~!

G. Lousy - Humanoid- Perhaps a front and back ref, a small ref of his chest without clothing to show off a specific kind of scar, and possibly a chibi? Also as a note, his hands are bones due to his fire burning the flesh off of them, and his shirt is meant to have the same stripes on both the arms and collar!

Laiza Bout - Merman - A front and back will do nicely for him, along with maybe a headshot to show off his glowy tentacle tongue? Also as a note, his body type is a little wonky-having both ribs showing and a hard, swollen stomach. He also has a special scar on his back, just above the beginning of his tail!

The Devil - Humanoid - A front, back, hatless headshot, and perhaps a reference of his golden fiddle? Also his left (our right) eye has a red light in the socket!

Klepto Manny - Anthro, TW for being a spider - A front and back would be just fine! A few notes, they are on the chubbier side, and they have a special scar on their silk sac that can be seen in one singular drawing on their profile!

Milov Myseff - Anthro - A front and back with the new changes to my beloved old man would be lovely! You can consult the old one for markings and such! Also he has a special scar on his upper back!

Feel free to DM me for questions, and for a ref of the scars for those here that have them!

EDIT: Done!! :D


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claim tygaa !! anyone in my unsorted or furry folder !! :o3

finished !!




Edit: Done :)


Claim (I'll be drawing the Urchin guy :0)! Please draw either of these three and say which one!

https://toyhou.se/21123967.captain-fiddleberry- Front and back and a view with him in a sea captain outfit!

https://toyhou.se/21045311.errorexe- Left and right, only draw them if you can make the blue side have a glitchy texture like/similar this

https://toyhou.se/18976136.scarlet- Front and back, please add blood stains to her overalls


Claim! decipheringmypsyche

Any of the following characters would be awesome! North is preferred by Douglas and Noodles are awesome as well

North - please make sure to include her horns and red pupils (I'd love if one side included her wings)

Douglas - Nothing specific is needed!

Noodles - I just want something updated tbh!



You can do any of these three




Edit: done and sent

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Claim! Please draw anyone you like from here ciphersong on Toyhouse! But tell me who you plan on drawing

Edit: Done



claim @decipheringmypysche

would love to see  Princess Luella https://toyhou.se/21146878.princess-luella-tulloran

(She is an adult, please do not make her look like a 12 year old)

(in either her scarlet outfit or the green one) Please note her eyes are: Green.

The more bitchier/self-indulgent/wicked she looks the better.

options: a front pose, and her key items: Crown/tiara;  a emerald necklace;il_1080xN.4494814334_fyz8.jpggolden claw glove

and her ornate blade IMG_4375.jpg?width=368&height=655

Option 2:

Thistle Tanglewood https://toyhou.se/20727436.thistle-tanglewood

Would love:  Maybe a front pose,  with maybe a few emotional headshots --( examples,: Excited -- Annoyed -- Angry -- )(Items of interest are her (these do not needed to be included) brown messenger bag, a magically preserved Orc's head she uses as a  makeup mannequin (named Rinaldo) and her lucky jar of eyeballs)

art: TBA

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Finished! goth-mom sorry this took so long to finish


Any of these options, please read their info on their profiles, some of them have design notes!

For the ref sheet: Front and headshot is fine, or maybe front and back, both are good with me!



Notes: Please don't draw Lao smiling