Draw an OC with under 5 images §

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 months, 9 days ago) by KenmaKozumeHQ

Hello! So basically the rules are:

You have to post IC You no longer have to post IC but still preferred, 

Your character had to have under 5 images (We need more love for them 💕)

You have to finish it in 1 week

This can be edited whenever

send it to their account don’t just post it here or they may not receive it 

Edit your comment to say when your done! I kinda thought that was obvious but I’ve been getting alot of people who never edited and almost getting blacklisted!

thats pretty much it.


Finish your art! simple as that.
dm me when art is done as I don’t keep track of anything 8 days ago or before. 

if you see anyone on the blacklist post ignore them and do the character Above them

Blacklist -  N/A

If you got claimed by anyone now on the blacklist please go to this form ty 

If you haven’t gotten your art please lmk! I’m having trouble keeping track!

This post has been removed.
X The_Bl0b_X

the_ace_of_spades  claim! 

IC or https://toyhou.se/18497273.scott-daybreak (ref is linked )

Malyir Puppyc0rn

The_Bl0b_X Claim!

IC or anyone in here!

 Erāsolôn EmpTwiNesse

Claim! @Chime_Studios

IC or anyone here



Onyx Karypto

claiming EmpTwiNesse

Finished ^^



I'd offer IC, Marvin, Ambrose or Enya ^^


Karypto claim!

My people who need the loves:

Vampire vilonist: https://toyhou.se/20169954.raphael

Celestial nightclub owner https://toyhou.se/19785808.gabriel

Blacksmith vampire/shut in https://toyhou.se/19688013.mika

Poc Celestial captain of the guards https://toyhou.se/19785741.hana

Guard/were possum Henry Stammers https://toyhou.se/20171642.henry-stammers


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Rhianna Tuffins CometTheMountainLion

Claiming SANGREAL!

Edit: Done!


Lf Art of ic.

Edit: Just forgot that this is 5 images or less. Oops.

Thanks alot!

Xun Cheng VictoryDrawsStuff

CometTheMountainLion Claim!

IC or Duncan!

EDIT: Sorry for taking so long, but done and sent!


Guardian Spirit lesbiancryptid

Claim! VictoryDrawsManga

IC most prefered (please only draw the new design) but if her design is too complex, Amihan, Charbonneau, or Itziar are options

Edit: Done!

Hallowtail Finch_Of_Clovers

lesbiancryptid claim

Art: Done and Sent



I would like IC please :)

mel memorize impeack

claim Finch_Of_Clovers



IC (if its hard so either this or this)

Clive columbo

Claim impeack

IC, Igor, Dean, or Machiavelli 

edit: done!


Basil kizomu

Claiming columbo !

Ic (preferred), Gabe or 3Dess!!

Edit: done!


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