Draw an OC with under 5 images §

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago (Edited 1 month, 28 days ago) by KenmaKozumeHQ

Hello! So basically the rules are:

You have to post IC You no longer have to post IC but still preferred, 

Your character had to have under 5 images (We need more love for them 💕)

You have to finish it in 1 week

This can be edited whenever

send it to their account don’t just post it here or they may not receive it 

Edit your comment to say when your done! I kinda thought that was obvious but I’ve been getting alot of people who never edited and almost getting blacklisted!

thats pretty much it.


Finish your art! simple as that.
dm me when art is done as I don’t keep track of anything 8 days ago or before. 

if you see anyone on the blacklist post ignore them and do the character Above them

Blacklist -  N/A

If you got claimed by anyone now on the blacklist please go to this form ty 

If you haven’t gotten your art please lmk! I’m having trouble keeping track!

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Tumbleweed columbo

Claim CROIX !

IC, Fenton, Mapley, or Pip

Edit: Done!


 Xiao ShoyuRamenTypeGuy

claim! columbo

edit! done and sent UvU

IC or one of these babes https://toyhou.se/13673154.alokai https://toyhou.se/12824853.koiori https://toyhou.se/14871394.chang-min

Korina commoncollective

Claim ShoyuRamenTypeGuy Done and sent :)47212563_D5E.png

IC or anyone in here :)


commoncollective claim

edit: done and sent

do anyone you want

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Bip Cheetosthedragon

 Clam kaizukiyo

oh yeah i am done lol

 Enoch SparkyKinetic

Claim! Cheetosthedragon

IC preferred , but Ereidis alright too

Sent n done!!




I have a few new characters that could use some art. In case my coloring isn't clear, they all have dark skin but wear white and black body paint. 

Rooster Inky_Lulu

Claim! SapphireBatWings

IC would be rlly cool if that’s okay w the person below! <:]

Bryn Blackberry_Briars

Claim! Inky_Lulu

I'll do my best! IC or anyone in that folder with less than 5 :>

Edit: Done!


 💛|| Sakura NeonBlurred

Claim BlackberryFox

IC or anyone in Mains that fits the requirements 


TBN Cheetosthedragon

Claim NeonBlurred (I think I can claim again idk)


claim! any of these characters is good!

edit: done!