Draw Lineart for the person above

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago (Edited 4 months, 5 days ago) by Kiwiisastalker

Lets practice doing our lines!!

This will be as low stress as possible since I don't like putting rules on art!
All the other threads like this have too many stipulations for actually drawing like adding color, or having to draw a certain amount of a character.
Rubbish! We aren't about that life here!

What I do want to see:
-Lineart. But clean sketches are okay too, try and remove any construction lines tho.
-Effort. Everyone is at a different stage of their art journey, so just do your best.
-Finish within 1 month. No rush on these, but we also don't want people waiting 5ever for their art.
-No sandwich claiming, wait 3 people before posting again. (you) X, X, X (you).
-Finish your claim before claiming again.
-Ping the person you claim so we can make sure no one is skipped over.
-Edit your post with your finished work so I can moderate the thread easier.
-Try and give at least two options for people to draw so the thread doesn't get stalled up.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can message me. If someone hasn't filled their claim and I haven't noticed, feel free to message me.




Saeko-Arts - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 10/18/22
thecakehorse - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 10/27/22
feefers - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 10/27/22
Natchocheese - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 01/06/23
Theundeadunicorn - warning given, account closed. unfulfilled claim as of 01/10/23
Neonovica - warning given, unable to fulfill claim as of 02/08/23
Ram_ - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 04/02/23
BluLexie - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 04/12/23
Paige_Roux - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 04/24/23
Zombiecupcake - bypassing blacklist with alt account (Theundeadunicorn) without finishing previous claim
PSYCHOGRAM - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 05/29/23
Fox164 - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 06/04/23
SozinThis - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 9/30/23
vampie - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 10/01/23
miniminaaa - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 10/20/23
CyberVoid - warning given, no response. unfulfilled claim as of 12/06/2023

The first person can either get a free claim or draw anyone on my page that is not in the trade folder.
Edit: I LOVE IT! Thank you for drawing my gal!!!

Lottie Vic CometTheMountainLion

Claiming Just_A_Hooman64 !

Edit: Done!


Lf art of ic with her pet tegu; or my synth Uma




Either her or her would be great, both anthros.


Claim Servyl

Anyone in here: https://toyhou.se/Bakerinator/characters/tagged:want%20art

Finished! Sorry it took so long!



Claim Bakerinator



Anyone in this tag, please



claim FearMePlease


here it is

here r some my ocs




This user is not visible to guests.
Neptune kizomu

claiming _KALOPSIA !!

IC or anyone from these folders!

Edit: done!



Claim kizomu ^^

Anyone here!



Capt. Kitsune meowstival


IC heavily preferred but if he doesn't work, anyone in the   folder will do! (aka the folder he's in!)



sobaka Boommer

Umbranox claim!! 

Please draw ic or rexter from my sonas folder! 

Camden somepotato

claim! Boommer
ic pref, but anyone in his folder will do!

Finished and sent :]

This user is not visible to guests.

Claim!! Would love some lineart of the IC or if humans are the @np's fancy, https://toyhou.se/15827888.rae!

edit; Finished! IMG_5721.png


acheronprairie Claim!

Anyone in my TH minus sales!



☀ cora ☀ NORsevvy

claim OnTheWingsOfADragon !! :D

ic is prefered but anyone else from sunshine type, paro, or alnoth are all very very welcome too!! :D

done!! :D
