Create a Fan OC for the User Above! ✩ Semi-modded

Posted 7 years, 2 days ago (Edited 3 months, 9 days ago) by Xhat

This game is dedicated to designing a fan character for the person above you! I made this thread not only because I love seeing unique fan characters, but it's always fun learning and discovering fandoms other than the ones you're in. 

Here are a few things you should know:

The game is open to anyone. Artists of all talents are welcome to design a fan oc for the person who's posted above them.

When providing fandom choices for whoever chooses to claim you, please provide two or more options. This makes it easier if they don't like designing for a particular fandom or aren't familiar with one. Prompts may be very simple, or they may already have some details to them; it's up to the person making the request. You can always post more options than required!

ALL fandoms are welcome. The only exception to this rule are fandoms that are 18+ and could potentially pose a threat to a minor should they choose to research it. Please see below for clarification.
As of April 8th, 2023, any post after this one must provide at least one fandom which does not contain potentially mature content. If something may contain 18+ elements, like fandoms such as South Park, Helluva Boss, etc., make note of it in your claim so that minor audiences are not subject to potentially harmful content.  Keep in mind that while this is not an outright ban on any fandom in particular, please take care in what you’re requesting and the sensitive content therein since this is still a public/non-age locked thread. Should the need arise, I may entertain opening a separate 18+ thread, but at the current moment it’s not something I can do.

Designs must now be a minimum halfbody with clean colour. This applies to both traditional and digital artwork. Please only use bases if they have been created by you for personal use, or have been bought for the intentions of using them for designs. Also, and this should go without saying, tracing artwork that does not belong to you to complete a claim will likely result in a ban.

If you aren't familiar with any of the given fandoms, either make an effort to properly research one or don't claim at all. If it's found that you claimed a user's post without any knowledge of the fandom and a lack of intention to put effort into research, you will be banned.

You may not claim any posts until you have finished and sent your design. Please wait until at least three other people have posted to claim again; the sole exception is when a request hasn't been claimed in 2 days.

Designs must be delivered within a month of claiming. If the design still hasn't come in after ten days following your warning, you will be banned and unable to claim further posts. Please note that I cannot always send out warnings and ensuring that you’ve completed and received your claim is your responsibility - in this case, those extra ten days count as a grace period before being banned for the unfilled claim. Those having received a recent warning (within the last two months of their last claim) who go over the month deadlines will be automatically added to the banned list should they exceed the grace period again and will no longer be able to participate in this thread.
Confused on this particular rule and how to handle unfilled claims? Scroll to the bottom of this post, before the banned users list, for a clearer guide.

Don't be rude. Whoever claimed you took the time out of their day to create a design for you, and a certain degree of acknowledgment should be warranted. If you don't connect to the design you're given, you should still be polite!

Designs obtained through this game may be traded or gifted. Please don't sell any designs unless the creator has given you explicit permission or you have commissioned extra art, etc.

Once the design is done and properly delivered, edit your post with proof to indicate that is done: this can be a link, a thumbnail, an image, or anything that proves that you've completed your claim. Please try to avoid just writing "sent" as proof - this helps when I'm checking for late or unfilled claims.


"My design hasn't been delivered to me after a month, what do I do?": A Guide - (Last Updated: May 9th, 2023)

If the month has passed and you haven't been sent a fan character, please follow the steps below. Please note that, as this has become a semi-modded thread, I will typically only message users myself when absolutely necessary or when the person with the unfilled claim requests as such.

  1. Follow up with the user who claimed you. Sometimes, forum games fall by the wayside, and most people do well with a simple reminder.
  2. In the event that you follow up with your claimant and they either (a) do not respond or (b) respond that they will have it soon, as per the rules they will have 10 days from the time of your message to finish their claim. (This applies the same as if I were to message them.)
  3. If the design is not received following the ten days (sometimes giving an extra day or two is fine), please redirect your claim to the unfilled claims thread. When you do this, please let me know so that I might add the user who claimed you to the banned list.
  4. This step is optional, but you may also message the person who claimed you to let them know that you are redirecting your claim elsewhere (the unfilled claims thread). Should they be in the process of delivering the design at the last minute, this alleviates you from having flip-flop between threads, and prevents them from being added to the banned list.
  5. Should any other issues occur, such as being blocked by the person who claimed you, etc., please contact me and those issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


We have now had to institute a banned list, unfortunately. Please do not claim anyone below unless it states that their ban has been lifted! If you find yourself on the list and you would like to participate again, please send me a note to discuss a potential repeal of your ban. Please note that all repeals are not guaranteed, but I try to be as open-minded as possible.

Greyh0und - Failure to fill claim after extension period; failure to acknowledge or respond to warning message.

Rustheart - Failure to fill claim after extension period; failure to acknowledge or respond to warning message.

BroodingBungalow - Failure to fill claim after extension period.

Dask - Failure to fill claim after extension period; failure to acknowledge or respond to warning message.

coloneljellyfish - Failure to fill claim after extension period; failure to acknowledge or respond to warning message.

Quankity - Refusal to fill claim after being reminded of the deadline.

GameGeek002 - Failure to fill claim after being given an extension.

god-of-rats - Failure to fill claim after extension period; failure to acknowledge or respond to warning message.

BanduEnthusiast - Refusal to fill claim after being offered an extension. Ban will be lifted on February 24th.
Ban has now been lifted, but any further infractions will result in a permanent ban.

Seilvox - Placed on temporary ban until March 11th.
Ban has now been lifted, but any further infractions will result in a permanent ban.

Horseperson234/Horseperson252 - Delivering a design with traced line work.

sleepybbeau - Inability to fill claim after being offered an extension. Ban will be lifted on April 4th.
Ban has now been lifted, but any further infractions will result in a permanent ban.

Neurosus/CurseEXE - Failure to fill claim after extension period; failure to acknowledge or respond to warning message.

karmicjustice - Failure to fill the claim after a month + the 10-day grace period.

Kissthegogoat__ - Failure to fill claim after extension period; no acknowledgement of warning message.

SpookiusRed - Refusal to finish claim within the extended period.

pans - Deleting an unfilled claim on the thread itself.

Driftveill - Failed to complete their claim within the deadline and extended period.

Akamitatsu - Notified by claimant of deadline and failed to complete their claim within the extended period as written in the rules.

Inked_Robinhood - Notified by claimant of deadline and failed to complete their claim within the extended period as written in the rules.

NexusNest - Failed to complete their claim within the deadline.

Chocochan - As pertains to this PSA. Users in this forum game have expressed their unease.

Red-lobster - Notified by claimant of deadline and failed to complete their claim within the extended period, as written in the rules.

Piko_Is_Melting - Notified by claimant of deadline and failed to complete their claim within the extended period, as written in the rules.

AsagiriToge - Notified by claimant of deadline and failed to complete their claim within the extended period, as written in the rules.





I would love a viva pinata or slenderverse, slasher, or creepypasta oc! I also like pokemon, unikitty, sanrio (in general but Aggretsuko as well!), and furbies

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Done! Charizard

From BNHA or Naruto

Male humanoid preferred ^^


Haruki Punk1n


Would love anything from...



-hobbit/lord of the rings 

-stranger things 

Edit: finished, ic

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Claim! Posted IC and sent!

I'd love something either of the following;

- Dungeons and Dragons

- Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit

Top pick would be a dwarf or tiefling, but any (humanoid) species found in either is okay.


Heck to the yes, claim!! 

I’d love something from:

-lord of the rings / the hobbit

-over the garden wall


Only request is humanoid! Other than that, be as creative as you want!! 



Edit: Just sent the character over <3

Anything from


-Tokyo Ghoul


Male human/Humanoid please, besides that you can be as creative as you can

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Danganronpa or BNHA

Human— and I’d like a sleepy boi if that’s okay

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