Draw The Human OC Above You!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by BvnnyStitch

Kinda wanted to run one of these and since I myself am unable to draw non-humanoid characters, I figured why not run one centered around human characters?

You have two weeks to finish your art for a claim. Message me if you need an extension or if the person claiming you hasn't fulfilled the request within the time period.

Give at least 3 characters that have a full image reference in case the person claiming you might have a hard time drawing one. Not following this rule may get you blocked from the thread without notice because it is tiring and nerve wracking to reach out to people about it.

Draw at least a half-body, and put effort into your art! Make sure it's got good lineart and colored in! Don't draw something you wouldn't be happy to receive.

All mediums are allowed! If you draw traditionally, make sure the photo is clear or scan it. Blurry or overshadowed images aren't very cool.

Finish your claim before claiming again, and wait for at least two people to post below you. If it gets slow I might hop in a few times.

Don't delete your claim. Should be pretty self-explanatory I hope

Ping the user that you're claiming them, and when you're done edit the post with the completed image and send it to them!

Of course, no anthro or feral characters. Only post human characters with human features. If you're unsure if a character would count then don't hesitate to message me personally! I don't want to have to reach out to people about this so please just follow this.

I request that you don't participate unless you're confident in your style already. Asking that beginner artists don't participate. This isn't a hard no, but please don't claim unless you've got a good bit of experience drawing already.

First person gets a freebie! But I ask that you come back to claim someone later

If a user is blacklisted for failing to fulfill their claim I may draw something in their place so that nobody is left out.
To get off the blacklist for an unfulfilled claim, just finish your drawing, send it, and message me!


Twilight63 - Broke rules regarding characters and only responded with blank messages when messaged

Heath Ataraxia

claim FauxPhantom  
IC preferably or anyone in the same folder!
edit: art is done and pending to gallery  



Claim: Ataraxia

Anyone in these two folders :3


Done !!


This user's account has been closed.

ALittleDeath, claim ^^



Anyone from here except Rosalia, Saugol and Zefir please!


endiria claim!

Either Sylveth or Luelle please ^^



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Reminder to please post at least three characters to choose from


claim pip-boy   

Please draw Mint, Rayne, Xandria or Heather!  
done:  (I drew pocket)

Rya 🐭 vlazu

claim Ataraxia
Ic or Adramelh or 001 💗

Edit: done and sent :3

Avon Sivasin

Claim vlazulv

IC or Kaia 

Edit: Done!


Claim Sivasin ! :D

Sieldalde, Carrion, or Jin please!

Edit: done! 



bump :^D

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This user is not visible to guests.

Claim cicadaP

Any humanoid in here https://toyhou.se/Bakerinator/characters/tags:1/tagged:draw%20me

