Draw the OC above you - Kirby edition!

Posted 9 months, 8 days ago (Edited 1 month, 27 days ago) by NekoEchoflower

I see alot of fandom threads, but never encountered one featuring our beloved cute orbs. 
So I thought why not? Let's get this pupupu train started! <3


Character rules say what characters are allowed to participate 
Art rules state what type of art is allowed 
General rules explain how to participate


- The character species / race has to be from the Kirby universe  
For ex. Dedede, Noddy, Cracko etc.
CBC do not count! (Ex. An anthro wolf based on Meta Knight)
That means this character would be accepted, but this one would not

- Please do not try and find a loophole for the rule above   
For ex. Post a monkey fursona and say they're from the beast pack.
That's just not cool :(

- No problematic designs  
By that I mean hateful symbols / flags, Explicit visible parts, Cultural approperiation etc.

- Preferably no characters with NSFW images on their profile!!
If you have a separate tab that's locked away from minors or people who don't want to see those, that's fine. But having them not spoilered or directly in sight will not be tolerated!

- If possible, provide more than one character to choose from
That way in case person below is for ex. Uncomfy with their backstory or design is too complicated, they have an alternative. Folders are allowed too. If you only have one kirby oc, that's absolutely alright

- Make sure to provide a clean reference sheet!
Low pixelated quality, alot of shading or large obscuring watermarks can make it hard to make out the character

- No requesting canon characters / characters from an AU   

For ex. "Draw Galacta knight", "Draw my au where Bandana becomes a knight" etc.)


- All artists and mediums are welcome! 
Just don't just put minimal effort on purpose and say it's your artstyle / you're recreating Kirby's art

- Minimum requirement is a colored sketch
What art form depends on the character. (Ex. An awoofy can be a bust since it's a wolf, but a Kirby would be a fullbody since it's just an orb)

- Absolutely no NSFW whatsoever!
Even if the owner allows them, we want to keep this thread PG

- Please refrain from using bases!
Even your own ones

- No tracing in-game screenshots or anime scenes
Though you're allowed to recreate them from ground up

- No stolen / traced art will be ever accepted!
You'll be immediately blacklisted if I find out


- Ping the person above you when claiming!
That way they will be informed about your claim and won't be forgotten about

- Once you're done, please edit your comment and feature your art in it!
Just saying "done!" doesn't prove me you actually did it   

I see this keeps happening, so I'll start placing strikes instead of just reminding now. I'm sorry but you need to read the rules before joining!

- Wait until at least 3 people post until you claim again (You [X] [X] [X] You) 

You may disregard this rule if nobody claimed a spot for a week

- You have 1 week to finish claimed art!
If the time passes, I'll remind you about it

- If you need more time please inform me and the characters' owner about it
An extra week is fine, but like a month is over the line

- If there are any problems you encounter or have any questions, don't hesitate to pm me!
Don't worry, I won't bite :)

- If you repeatedly break any rules above, you'll get a strike. 3 Strikes will result in you getting blacklisted!
Some rules will only give you a reminder (ex. Giving a cbc instead of in game species) and some will make you immediately blacklisted (ex. Stolen art) so be aware of that!


- Nobody yet! Let's keep it that way <3


09/09/23 - Hid the rules in spoilers, wrote an extra character rule and added the Edit log

20/09/23 - Temporarily changed the waiting time before new claim is allowed (from 3 to 2) and removed spoiler from the edit log

07/11/23 - Added a new General rule regarding claim time

17/04/24 - Switched over a few rules, added descriptions, changed claim wait rule and extended the art finish time to 2 weeks

First poster gets a free pass!


ThePizzaBoxMan DONEEEE :33

would prefer art of this guy or this other guy but anyone else here is fine to draw (except beebo) !!!


Magoland claim >;3

Cloud Dee or Eirene! Only ones available! orz

edit: done!!

He is professing! Most likely their love, or maybe something else..8af4b1fcd04674745f9c8f39b375fcdabbddceab

This user is not visible to guests.
 Fecto Chein ManaketeEXE

Claim midori-berry

Edit: Done!

Ic or them preferred, but anyone here is okay!


ManaketeEXE done !!!!

once again i would love art of him or him , but if you dont wanna draw either of those guys then feel free to pick anyone else here (except beebo) instead !! :3



GET CLAIMED. the art you made for me was MWAHHH I must get you back RHRRGRHGRGRGRGRGRGGRGRHRGRHRGRHRG

Either https://toyhou.se/24845813.aster-pure-tear , https://toyhou.se/25082340.cryschristopher or https://toyhou.se/27185105.iniko 

(Iniko is most preferred)

(FINISHED! )Untitled_Artwork.png?ex=66464e51&is=6644


ThePizzaBoxMan claim!! >:3c

Cloud Dee or Eirene, either would be great!

edit: alll done!

Jester, split colors, AND pastel?! So many of my favorite character designs traits rolled into one, that is an excellent OC you've got there. Lucky I was doing them anyways, didn't see that edit there..


Sheo NekoEchoflower

galaspar Claim! :]

IC preferred, but you're free to draw anyone here!

Edit: All done! ^^


 Mistilteinn ManaketeEXE

Claim NekoEchoflower super cute character btw!

Edit: Done!

Ic preferred (Either form) or them, but anyone here is okay!



https://toyhou.se/27295205.3nvy Is preferred but you can draw https://toyhou.se/27185105.iniko if you want. 


ThePizzaBoxMan Claim~!

SeriesArtiststarter on Toyhouse Go nuts, there's a few here to pick from ^V^ I will say though, it be nice to see more of Queenie but any of em are righteous to rock with~!

EDIT: Drawthread:The Primal New Age Beat of The Jungle by SeriesArtiststarter on DeviantArt Done and done~! This one is rockin'!


SeriesArtiststarter -


These are my kirby OCs!! Nea is a fake kirby-inspired species & tootsie is still in the redesign phase (I'm going to make them into a puffball.. eventually), so totally disregard them!


AngelOShadows done ::3

i prefer art of this guy or this other guy , but you can draw anyone else here instead (except for beebo ,, since its not an actual species from kirby)


IMG_1881.png?ex=665d5b27&is=665c09a7&hm=Magoland claim! I hope you don’t mind! I really want to try drawing your other ocs lol

Y’all can try anyone from here!https://toyhou.se/ThePizzaBoxMan/characters/folder:5604390

 Amile "Artsy bean!" ManaketeEXE

Claim ThePizzaBoxMan

Edit: Done!

Ic preferred or them, but anyone here is okay!