Have you ever wanted to draw a feral character and yet in all the art games its mostly humans? Yeah me to, hence the creation of this thread. I will mod this so do not break the rules or you will be sent to the banned people void. Also this works the same as all the other threads like this. You claim or pass what the person above you offers and then offer something in return to the person below you

What characters are allowed?

Anything that is not human/humanoid. Anthro's are allowed as long as they are completely covered in fur or have a feral form. Silly creatures can also be thrown in here as well as long as they aren't humans/humanoids. 

Da rules

1. Claims must be finished in a month and you must edit your post to include the art so we know you drew it.

2. If two people claim the same person then you claim whoevers comment comes up right after the person they claimed

3. No human/humanoid characters. This is a anti human zone. 

4. Deleting your comment after receiving art from someone will result in a ban

5. You may not claim again until you complete any artwork owed in this forum. 

6. No NSFW characters. I, along with several others, are minors. 

7. The offering minimum is a colored headshot/icon. 

8. You do not ping people if you pass their offer

*if this already exists I will delete this thread. I haven't seen one like it though*

This user's account has been closed.
👾┆Evolet addy1711

MyNameIsDojeje Claim

IC or Tyrian 

deleting my comment as the person above closed their account and i never got the art