Hello! so ive seen other threads like this one of this game, and i thought it would be a good idea to make a furry/ animal oc edition! so anybody that cannot draw human characters can do this instead of the other one where there may be human characters!  

so basically what you do is comment something like "claim" etc and draw something for the person above you!


- Fill out the form below! (optional)

- don't get mad if the person doesn't draw you something particularly "good" (you got free art! but that doesn't mean you can put 0 effort into it, you need to put at least a bit of effort uwu)

- Please draw it within 48 hours so people don't wait a month when someone comments below them

- Don't hide your comment after commenting to get free art without drawing in return

- wait until at least there's 2 comments after yours before you comment again

- the drawings can be any type but please try to make it a bust or full-body so its relatively fair uwu. also don't just make it a sketch, at-least have it lined and flat-coloured.

- don't draw gore or NSFW for someone if they don't want it

- also you're not allowed to comment a certain oc you want drawn but there's and alternative option close to that in the form

- if you break the rules once you'll be warned, if you break it twice, temp ban, and if you break them 3 times you'll be blacklisted

- if the art takes more than three days, pm me the user of the person and they'll be blacklisted until they do it.

also the first person on the thread doesn't have to draw anything cause there's no one above them.


Are you okay with Gore:

are you okay with NSFW:

is there a specific folder that any oc can be drawn from:

any specific themes you like:

anything else:


no one yay!!


MyPencilDraws Claims!

Anyone here (animatronics)here (Gods, demons and reapers) orhere (just random furrys)

62664114_2jOZnmISkLfJQwG.pngDone! Very experimental headshot


Demonblooded Claim ^^

Finished! https://toyhou.se/~images/63055735

Anyone here or here, or Candy or Tim

vv I forgot to say thanks! I love the art you did, Tim look so good in your style :''0


claim Accio

Are you okay with Gore: if it ain’t too heavy, yes!! :) 

are you okay with NSFW:  slightly is ok , otherwise no 

is there a specific folder that any oc can be drawn from: https://toyhou.se/reiszxhn/characters/folder:4216969

any specific themes you like: dark themes ig, 

anything else: I never done this before, I hope that’s alright ^^“

note: if finished, please add the artwork to my ocs profile ^^

Edit: finished (https://toyhou.se/~images/62735489)




claim reiszxhn!!

gore: for spud, sure, anyone else no

nsfw: no

anthro lizard | "alien" (can be anthro or feral) | feral cat

Elysium NoodlesNovember

tatzlyip claim


no nsfw or gore!


Inkray Pinkyfoxy

claim NoodlesNovember

NSFW and gore are fine 

IC or https://toyhou.se/18942951.pinky ,https://toyhou.se/18943039.pinkycandy

theme can be any that match the character 

 Finished 1000000675_by_officiallypinkyfoxy_dg9ggc

This user is not visible to guests.

ghost_husband claim

Are you okay with Gore: Nope

are you okay with NSFW: Only for burgercat

is there a specific folder that any oc can be drawn from: https://toyhou.se/burgercat9000/characters/folder:4800128

any specific themes you like: Beach, Halloween, Christmas 

anything else: Nope go nuts 

Done and sent:


Mr. Boss ciphersong


Claim! Please draw my IC :)


Claim ciphersong

I'd love to have anyone here drawn ^^

Gore is fine but not too extreme please, and no nsfw ^^

Edit: Done and sent ^^!


Claim Felisidae

Pick anyone from this tag ^^ ( Ignore all the humanoids )

Gore is okay, but no NSFW please!

Finished : Done

( Spoiler function refuses to work rn SJSNVLS )

Mangut Toxinlem

Claim Holojing

Ic or anyone here https://toyhou.se/Toxinlem/characters/tags:1/tagged:50/folder:all/order:images_asc 

Done https://toyhou.se/~images/77967229