
Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 2 years, 9 months ago) by saivalkae



ConriAngel ah, thank you! <3 Hm... depends on the complexity of the desired design I suppose, as well as the base I'd be using -- I'm not super accustomed to using bases, so I don't have an pre-determined price range on hand, but it's something I'm willing to do! I imagine it would cost a fair bit less than my regular stuff if the base demands a simpler/more stylized art style than the rest of my work, but if you could link me a base preview, the character you'd like to see redesigned, and maybe a short description of anything in particular you'd like to be changed (any direction you'd like the design to go in, how complex you'd like it to be -- that sort of thing), then I could give you a price estimate! c:



Hey, I've worked with you before on character design and I was wondering if you were still open for commissions?