✨ YCH animated icons: CLOSED ✨

Posted 4 years, 18 days ago (Edited 27 days, 10 hours ago) by leithsin


  • Make sure to read the T.O.S. before commissioning me. When you send your form, I understand you agree with them. If you need clarification, please let me know!

  • * Cat ears are not default with the base. It depends on the design of your character (Example: In a human character, the cat ears would be removed) but feel free to request them when you order!
  • *Animal ears can be modified to fit the design of your character for an extra charge.


✦ The shape of the body and the eyes can't be modified, but it will be personalized to fit your character as closely as possible! Horns, glasses, patches, pointy ears (that don't move) fangs , etc can be added with no extra charge.
✦ I'll have to decline your commission if the character requires to heavily modify the base, feel free to ask me through a private message if you have doubts about this
✦ You can order up to 4 icons per slot! (Ex: If you want two icons you only need to claim one slot. If you want five icons you would need to claim two slots)
✦ Different animal ears: +$5 (Only if they're too different from the cat ones Ex: Rabbit ears would cost extra)
 ✦ Complexity fee: +$4-$10✦ For anthro characters, altering the shape of the face would start at +$5 (depending on design)


  • You will receive a .gif file in the sizes : 300 x 300 px , 200 x 200 px and 100 x 100 px
  • Indicate the number(s) you want in your form.



  • You will receive the two separated icons in a .gif file in the sizes: 300 x 300 px, 200 x 200 px and 100 x 100 px and one joined version of the two icons in the size 600 x 300 px
  • The background can be different colors, if you leave the background section empty I'll assume you want the pink default one.

YCH mwah$90 USD x both

YCH COUPLE- Tender embrace

  • You will receive the two separated icons in a .gif file in the sizes: 400 x 400 px, 300 x 300 px and 200 x 200 px
  • The background can be a different color, if you leave the background section empty I'll assume you want the pink default one.
  • Please specify in your form which one is 1 and which one is 2!

YCH Tender embrace$80 USD


  • Order 2 icons of the same character: Final price minus 7 USD

  • Order 3 icons of the same character: Final price minus 10 USD

  • Order 4 icons of the same character: Final price minus 15 USD


Last commissions


  • If you are interested in working with me, send me a message with this form or any inquiries you may have:

  • Username: If the commission is a gift, include the owner of the character you want me to draw
  • Email:  (Where you will receive the final piece. If it's the same as your PayPal email feel free to leave this empty)
  • YCH: (number or type)
  • Visual reference of the character: (If you pick the couple one specify which one is right and which is left)
  • Color of the background: (If you leave this empty I'll assume you want me to choose)
  • Notes: (Any detail you think I should have in mind. If you're applying for a same character discount let me know here since sometimes it slips my mind)

Feel free to also check my illustrations and chibi commissions!


Thank you very much!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ

Code by Aurorean


gerard Hi! Of course nvn 


Could I also be put on a pinglist? <3


medieval mellomix rex64 gerard PyroEntity

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that commissions are open again in case you'd like to order  (´∇ノ`*)ノ


tfw I got too excited XD 


SweetTeethz Hi! I'll add you to the order list, can you resend me your order through message? Thank you! nvn


could i get a slot~!


I'd like 2 slots, please!


satyrn SummonTheWitch medieval Mawcie
Hey! Thank you very much, I'll add you in a moment >v>

Please send your message when you're ready to order! ♥ 


Alanna Hey! Yes, I'll ping you once the commissions are open again, thanks for your interest! 


mellomix Sure, added you to the list! ♥