zeTotally Dubious RHS - Manga Comm Slot open

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by z3lsheep

Manga Comm - Open

They are not manga-style illustrations, but literally panelled pages like so, for printing onto A4 paper, cut to B5
-- example of actual raw page with instructions

1 page can take about 4 - 5 panels; 2 characters expected; more will incur additional fees.
Will include character workup like so because likely the designs will have to be simplified and also standardised against each other.
I can panel but I will not plot. This means commissioner must have a clear story/scene/possible dialogue in mind.

As I am really, really slow and not expert, I'll be limiting it to 4 pages max. This means story will have to be short orz _(:3
And yes feel free to order single page only x"D

Fee ( all in USD )
per page - $65
chara workup (compulsory for first time order with new charas) - $35 for first 2; additional chara $20 ea

If comissioner gets more pages in future with the same charas they do not have to pay for the workup again.

If there is a large group of cluttered/detailed characters involved I may increase the fee per page. Any fee increase will be discussed and agreed upon before i accept.

Not fcfs because i can't draw all things. _(:3

Delivery may take several months... Last one took 9 months and yes so 1 slot per year if it comes to that o<-<

For personal use only; please do not use it for profit in any way. I reserve the right to upload it into online galleries and use as samples/portfolio (in smaller size and with watermark), but i will also not sell it nor print it for sale.

Interested peoples; please pm or post with 1. plot you have in mind  2. the character refs

Thank you for reading! 

1. quaazera (2017) - done
2. Tae (2018) - done
3. (2019) - open



Zince thanks for the bump! /u/


omggg does it notify you when I bump fsajlkfjaf GANBA ZZZZZ!!!!! your mangos look so delicioussss <333


Zince LOL yes it does eue you cannot bump sneakily trololo

And thankkk! QUQ//