pixel sprites shop!!

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 month, 6 days ago) by reinapepiada

HTML by lowkeywicked


RumpPlug Sure! Just DM the form for the type of commission you want! :D


Elreynhilde Hi! Thank you so much :D

(I'm assuming you're asking about waist-up sprites, forgive me if you were asking about other types /o/)

Expression changes are always 5$ each! As for the plant spell, it depends on how it's done! If it only involves the magic itself (+ how it affects a plant) it would be 5$ in my book! So it would be 37$ total (if there's no complexity fee)

As for your second one, the expression change would be 5$ as well. It also depends how she would show her animal and what it looks like- I would have to add a complexity fee (5$) if it's a small pet, but if it's more complex I'd probably add half the price of a normal waist-up character (13$), along with the hand motion (10$) so it would be around the 47-55$ mark

Feel free to DM me if you have any further questions! 



lol I had a feeling I was getting it slightly wrong- Okay let me recalculate!

So for the plant icon, I would still count it as 10$ for two simple animations, so it would be 23$!

As for the cat icon... dang I can see what you want & it's really cute. I would still count the expression change and the motion for showing the cat as two simple animations (10$) + complexity fee for the cat's head (4$) for a total of 27$


I was wondering if you'd be able to do this character before I think about what I want for him. 


RoseNines hi! Yes I can!

Elreynhilde Of course! Thanks for the interest <3


Elreynhilde Hi again :D I do have a discord, I'll PM you my ID! And I'm okay with that!


How much is a animated icon and would you be willing to do a deal if I wanted a set of them?


KillerMakaChop hi! the pixel icons i offer come animated with a blink by default for 13$ (base price), if you want any additional animations it depends on its complexity (see the animation section in this thread for more info)

i currently only have a deal with my fullbody pixels (5$ off each if ordering more than one) but i might consider one for icons depending on how many you're planning on ordering


Hi, I just want to say that I love how smooth your pixel animations are <3


llianya thank you so much!!! that really means a lot!!