[T] Steam Games for Art/Char Trades

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Prismakry

Hopefully this is allowed on here, I assume it is since you can sell art for cash and this is essentially similar.

Hey all. I'm Prisma and I have a problem. I buy too many games that I'll never play! As in I buy a lot of humble bundles and such for only like -one- game in the pack and then the rest of the keys just sit around unused forever, and I figured instead of letting them go away into obscurity or trying to force them on my friends, let's try and get something outta them. I like art, I like painties, after speaking to the mods I found I am allowed to trade games for such items, but not FV items (since they count as real world currency in an offhand way)

Anyway, tl;dr, I have games, you have art, let's trade.

Table of Contents

Post 1 - intro/you are here
Post 2 - How The Trades Will Work
Post 3 - The Game List
Post 4 - Pinglist
Post 5 - Art I want
Post 6 - Chars I like
Post 7 - Forms to fill out


How The Trades Will Work

Fill out and post the form on the 7th post so I know what game(s) you want and what you are offering for them
I let you know if your offer is fair, if agreed I will mark the game as claimed by you. If I do not agree, please do not cause a fuss, as in the end they are my keys to give away and my choice whom to give them to and if I feel I'm getting a good trade for them.
I will not give the game code until I receive the art/paintie
Once the art/character is received, I will PM you the gift link for the game.
Enjoy your new game :) I know I'll enjoy my art/character <3
❤ While I will do my best to accept a game to trade with the first person to ask for it, sometimes I will choose to go with someone else if the first person hasn't responded to me before the second says something, or if one person is asking for a bunch of games while another is only asking for the one game I will choose to give the game to the person asking for fewer. Please be respectful of my decisions in these cases, thank you.

NEW RULE: If after 2 months have passed you haven't given me any form of WIP, the finished art, or a reason why you haven't started/finished yet; I will alert you that I am canceling the trade and will be returning the games to the list. I think it is unfair to others who may want the game for you to claim them and then not finish your piece in what I feel is more then enough time (without a good reason why it's behind, of course. I am a very understanding person.)

If you're worried I won't come through, I have plenty of people who would happily vouch for my honest nature that I can introduce you to if needed. (if you're one of said people and want me to ping you here for some reason feel free to let me know, haha.)


The Game List 

To save space and keep everything organized I have made a google sheet with all the info of what games I'm offering, who has claimed which games, and what trades have been completed.

View the Sheet here 

Most Recently Added Games 

Whenever I add new games, I will update this section with the newest added batch of games, just for those who may want to know.



Don't see a game you like right now, but want to be kept up to date when I add new games in the future? Let me know and I'll add you to the ping list for future games that are added!

Exeidur Heavenly_Graphite @Niidles Sanmedare MintSparkle Syneox @cymanda paintm0nky Mystic_Bubble


Art I Want

At this time I am happy to recieve art of any of my chars in my account. If you want me to pick someone in specific I can do so, or you can choose whoever calls out to you. I do, howerver, really love getting pieces of art of chars with less art of them so if any of my chars with 3 or less pieces of art call out to you that would be lovely :) In the end though I pretty much like art of anyone~


Types of chars I like

If you are wanting to see if I'm interested in a character trade for a game, these are the types of characters I tend to like, so offering them will make it more likely for me to accept.

(note: more likely, doesn't necessarily mean I will accept just cause it fits the criteria, if I don't feel them when I look at them, then sadly I don't feel them. You never know where the muse will take you.)

❤ Monster girl and boys

❤ Cute pastel designs

❤ Cute alien designs

❤ Cyclopses/triclopses (and really anything with more or less then normal number of eyes)

❤ Cute animal-based people (I'll look at anthro but I'm very picky with them so apologies in advance if I turn them down. I prefer nekomimi type chars over full anthro)

❤ Aquatic type humanoid creatures (mermaids, octomaids, etc etc.)

❤ Humanoid Custom Species (not really into more feral-type CSes.)


Forms to Fill Out

Interested in a trade? Great! Please fill out the following form, thank you :)

If you are offering art

Examples of your Art:
Price range you usually sell for:
The game(s) you are wanting:
What you want to draw for me:
Any other info I should know?:


If you are offering a character(s)

Char(s) you are offering and for how much:
Link to your trade/sell thread if you  have one:
The game(s) you are wanting:
Any other info I should know?:
















Hi there! Exeidur from FR here (also Exeidur here, so that's nice & simple). Please put me on the pinglist for future games :)


Exeidur Will do, thanks :)