[Open!] Merlin's Commissions

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by AmbrosiaFae

Hey hey :D
Wow, these look amazing!! Are they still open? :3


TheAri Yep!


This is amazing. I'll be back when funds come in.


these are gorgeous!!! just wondering, what would the extra cost be to have two characters in one? thanks!!


SetsuntaMew I don't get a lot of requests for multiple characters so I'm still kinda figuring out those prices! Right now I'm sticking with that I would take the illustration price + fullbody price of the same kind of commission: flat color would be +$15; painted/half painted would be +$20! (I just realized I've neglected to put my commissions site link on here oops)


123penguin64 Yes! I rarely close my commissions/limit slots!


These are gorgeous- if you don't mind me asking how long have you been practicing? Your landscapes are incredible :0

(I'll be back once I have a paypal eheh)



Thank you! I've been drawing for a bit over 10 years I think at this point? I've lost track a bit ^^;


@MightbeMagic If I wanted a full body off a written description, would it be the same price?

If so, I'd like to order two!


TheMenagerie Yes, unless there happen to be a significant amount of changes to get the picture looking just right! (Usually doesn't happen tho! 'v') Please message me :D


Oooh, are you open to take a comm? I'd love a headshot of my Sheridan in his 'glamourless' face. 

( Typical elfy features, no freckles and pointed ears, with his hair down. ) 

I'll pm if you feel like you wanna take it on! ; u ; b


AurionTobi I am! 'v')b!