Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 4 years, 7 months ago) by Anolee


The prices have been tuned a bit (04.02.2020). 
Slots are filled up and the store is closed until I'm ready for more! 

Feel free to comment if you want to be pinged when this store opens again!

Flat price watermark store: HERE

Hello. Want to secure your precious character art from art theft, but with style? Then come on down to Ano's watermark shop. Where we do watermarks for every need. Small, big, round or cat-shaped. We gotchu!

(Looking for premade designs for a lil cheaper? Have a look at my premade watermark designs up for grabs.)

STANDARD: 10-15 dollars

These watermarks will be a medium amount of work for me. They're not a ton of elements at once and not too much detail.



SIMPLE: 5-9 dollars 

Watermarks that are quick to make and simplistic in shape and form.


COMPLICATED: up to 16-30 dollars

Detailed or intricate watermarks that take more time to make. Often a combination of more things, or just more details.


♥ If you don't know what to ask for, either take some time to think about it or just throw keywords of things you like at me. Like cats, crystals, flowers, music, bubblegum, elder gods, etc.
♥ I'm up for making things inspired by styles. Like the one for Cerusia, I was sent a style to be inspired by, and that they wanted me to draw a phoenix. I am not cool with directly copying watermarks tho, let's give yours a good personal twist!
♥ If you're unsure of the pricing of the watermark you have in the mind, feel very free to ask me in the comments or on PM first! 
♥ They will be solid shapes like the examples above. So please keep that in mind when you think of your design. We can also mix in one other color if you want to experiment a bit.

Prices for logos or watermarks used commercially start at 30 dollars. It depends on how you will use it. I'm happy to discuss this with you! 

1. Tell me what you'd like either here or in PM. I'd like a description of what you want or some keywords with things you like or feel represent you!
2. If I feel like it's doable, I'll accept and start sketching suggestions for you. 
3. If you like the sketch and don't want any major changes, you can pay me. You'll get the watermark as soon as it's done!

Finishing these can take me from a few hours from order to two months, depending on what's going on in my life.

Your order may be used as an example for my sales, but you may ask to opt out of this! 

 0 / 10


I'd love to get a slot <3

gonna pm you the  details!!


I'd like one.

Maybe a severed hand (not gorey but like one of those cartoon meats with the bone sticking out at the end) holding a knife or a juicebox for pineapple juice? Not sure. Let me know what pricing if you think it will get complex.


could I grab a slot and edit with details?

edit; maybe a bunny with some dnd dice? either holding a d20 or with some dice around it? (I assume it would be a standard?)


cel-sius Oooo I like those ideas! I'll sketch something and DM you ♥ And seems like standard to me ^^

Niviee Yes thats perfectly okay! I'll be saving that slot for you! ^^ ♥ EDIT: oop, thats a neat idea! I'll sketch you something and DM you! :3

Awaiting DMs from the other claimers :3 ♥


can i get a slot ?


Bruja Yep! Just DM me or post a comment with what you want ♥


I'd love to grab a slot ♡ I'll just PM you the details !!


Raleantha Yeppers! Just DM me or comment what you want >w<) / 


The slots are filled and the store is now closed! 

Thank you so much for the interest guys!

If you missed em, check out my new flat sale watermark store which will release new designs regularly here: LINK

And remember to sign up for the ping list by commenting so, if you wanna be notified once new custom slots open. (No need if you already have and was pinged this round.)

Also, if you missed this one or keep missing my rounds, what time would you prefer I opened up in? (Include timezone pls, I'm in GMT+1)


Hiya I was wondering fin could be pinged when ever this opens?