commissions: CLOSED

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 8 months ago) by xianrou

UPDATE: Since school is starting soon and I've gotten more involved with extracurriculars this year, I won't be opening commissions again for probably the next 8-10 months;;; So this is the last opportunity to order if you want to!!
Hello!! Some of you might remember me as a-hyue, or some of you may not remember me at all. I used to be quite present in the adopt and commission world, but I had to go on hiatus due to school and some,,, parental pressures///
However, I've just finished my first year of university and honestly it was so overwhelming that I feel like I really need to take a breather and get back to doing the things that I love in order to recover;;

I've remade my commissions website here and please feel free to message me if you have any questions at all ♡

Here are some highlights from the shop!//


heaven hmm I've never tried it before, but you can DM me with the form on my website to give me a bit more info and we can continue discussing from there!