Free Custom Dress Designs [CLOSED]

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by Avistella

EDIT: Closing this early bc anxiety is eating me alive

Long story short: I'm getting surgery for my eyelid (again) on Tuesday and I'm anxious like usual~ So I'm doing some custom dress designs to hopefully destress since I like designing dresses. I'm going to keep these open until Sunday night only.

Not FCFS. I won't design for everyone.
Designs will be drawn on my own base.
As these are freebies, designs will be relatively simple. If you'd like a more detailed one, feel free to look at my PWYW customs thread.
I'm more likely to design for those who have a more general idea of what they want and allowing lots of creative liberty rather than something super specific.
Let me know if you'd possibly be interested if I were to offer custom designs like these for art/writing trades.

(Click image to see full resolution. More samples can be found here)
13375774_c9p5SpWw9.png 13357116_ZpjHK5V7W.png 13357105_sGj0pStlp.png 14413813_F9Fs5Ud1s.png

If interested, reply to this thread with the character you'd like a design for, a theme and/or aesthetic, and idk, say something nice, I guess? I just really don't like people dropping their characters and then leaving. (Also, it'd be nice if you could say "thank you" if I do design something for you instead of just... uploading the image and not say anything like some people. (':)


Star-overload : Hi, yes, I absolutely love star/night sky themes and stuff, so I was overjoyed to see your request. I hope you like it!




It’s so beautiful!!! Thank you so much! 

Diantha Van Daele dzfaeley

Good luck on your surgery! I think surgery on my eye would freak me out. 

If you'd like, I'd love a dress for this girl! Only real requirements would be having pink and green in it (doesn't need to be the main colors, accents is totally fine), and good to fight in! She's a rogue (uses a crossbow), and used to be a courtesan.



because anxiety is kicking my butt. I'll still work on some of the requests above this post later tonight. Thanks.