Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 months ago) by Avistella

This thread is closed. Please check again at a later date.

Avistella's Assorted Art Freebies

  • Not FCFS. I will be selective and fill requests in whichever order I'd like.
  • I will work with only one character per freebie. You may request up to three characters maximum for me to choose from. Please be sure to link to your character(s); I will not look for them on your profile myself.
  • I will work with human(oid), kemonomimi, and anthro.
  • I will only work with characters relatively simple in design.
  • I will not work with NSFW or gore.
  • I will not draw your character again if I've already drawn them once in any of my other freebie threads.
  • It may take me several months to actually fill out your request, so please be sure to leave character(s) you know you will be keeping for a long time.
  • The quality of these freebies may vary, depending on my mood. Please understand that just because I offer a higher quality freebie to someone does not mean you will receive the same quality.
  • These freebies are assorted and can range from uncoloured sketches to fully finished pieces. You may not choose what you will get, so please don't specifically ask for a certain type (ex. asking for a fullbody or asking for a fully finished piece).
  • Please practice common courtesy. I am offering my time and effort to you for nothing in exchange. The very least you can do is offer a word of thanks.
  • You may request again only if two months have passed since I filled your previous request. If six months have passed and I still haven't filled your initial request, you may request again.

Filled Freebies

unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png


Hello there! Do you think you'd be interested in drawing my fursona, Barbatos?
Thank you so much for the opportunity! I love your art style!

Barbatos is incredibly important to me as a character. He represents a lot of my traits, including my love of biblical mythology. I absolutely adore how his wings are designed to drape over his body like a cape. Its just one of his many unique features! 

Also did you notice that his name is a pun? Bar (bat) tos. 


Eleanor Thrud

She's based off of a concept I've had for a while, which is based off of a song I've loved for a while (Baby Shoes by Bad Brooks), and when I finally made her it was... so fun. I really liked Prague Race's description of trolls (so sad that it was dropped, loved that comic), and so I thought, hmm yes! This is a fine way to make character. She was originally going to be more like the main troll of PR, Toska, buuut maybe I'll make her a friend like him in the future. Because Toska is also a really fun lil guy.

Agnes Dekon!!

She was literally a reddit writing prompt I took too far. She's got pretty strong 5 from UA vibes, and he was such a fun character to watch, so I can only hope I can do the same for her personality. I've got like.... what she's been doing for the past 500 years down to a pat. I really like history so having a character that I can sorta have as in insert to real world things is a rush that I didn't know was possible. She's so mean and so disconnected from reality.... my girl lives in a public library and steals from a walmart to survive. She's just... so good. Tough characters with soft sides fuck me up, and so her soft side with lil kids??? Is just so cute to me?? Like here's this angry grandma who's probably killed many men but shhh now she's singing a lullaby to a five year old. Idk. I just love her.  Also whoops sorry for not reading the rules fully the first time I am booboo the fool


Well heck yeah, more kindness? I gotta try!~ Especially with those amazing examples you added. Also I dunno if I mentioned the coding you use, but it always looks so nice!~

Anyhow, here's the two characters I offer:

Verena is a pretty cool goat, she's a fun loving gal. Figure I saw the anthro option, you did magic with Naoko, and hey I get 3 spots to put characters, so heck!~ Ahh as for what to gush about? Just that she's such an open character. Those are my favorite to have. It's also something new with me, where she doesn't do that whole friendship thing. Most if not all my characters do have quite a few friends. But with her? It's new and could be interesting to explore. I gotta write more in general though. But she also has 4 horns, a concept I wanted to give a goat character for awhile. And she also set new ground in her not just being mysteriously rich. Sure I don't have the most indepth reason, but hey.

Victor is my other newest character. He is a smart, cool under pressure kind of lad. Also he has a headband, so you know that's good. But yes, he's not as new of a thing for me to do, but well, sometimes revisiting concepts and taking them new places is just as good! I also had a blast designing his outfit, even if it kinda shouts out some of my recent influences. Seriously didn't even know I basically gave him Polnareff's shirt until like 10 minutes after uploading that. It just looks good. I also gotta figure out the coat I have him wear over that. But he also takes from my first D&D character with his whole "use what's around him as a weapon" thing. That was a fun character to play in the only session I got to play as that character 8 years ago.

And well just heck, what more can I say? You always just surprise me with how generous you are, same with your bro, which yeah I forgot to say that in your team up thread, that's awesome! Something about family that gets along so well is just always good. But I also wonder, with these threads coming back, I'm hoping people aren't being as bad about reading the rules or just saying more than "give me stuff"? I never got that mindset, it's like, dang. But I am hoping that more of these threads is a sign that people are getting better about this. Though, no matter why, it's still just so appreciated and I just wanna say thanks, for probably the 120th time, but still. Thanks for the chance at this piece, and just in general~


I'd like to offer up my character Kieran. He really means a lot to me. ; - ;

Kieran is my biggest current RP muse and a deeply cherished comfort character of mine. I've been having a blast roleplaying him and doing so has gotten me through a lot of bad stuff this year. He's got a lot of flaws, including (and especially) the fact that he's a chronic liar, but that's what makes him fun to write. Despite those flaws, however, he really is a good person at heart, he just has a lot of trouble showing it because he's so used to hiding who he really is around people. The biggest lessons he has yet to learn are basically 'be yourself' and 'it's ok to open up,' but until then he's kind of a Rude Dude with an Attitude(tm).

Honestly, I'm really fond of those kinds of 'Jerk With A Heart Of Gold' characters, I know they're cliche but they're honestly my favorite cliche of all time.

Your art is very beautiful and your HTML is lovely too (I use it for Kieran's profile, it's seriously amazing, and really easy to use!!). Thank you very very much for the opportunity, and I hope you have a good day.


Eliot is a rather interesting case. I love this man to bits because honestly, he's my comic relief and my serious man when he has to. Eliot Pentagon is one of my major side characters in my magic detective story, being the best friend of the Protagonist. Taken inspiration from Eliot Waugh (the Magicians), he has the same laidback personality that Eliot does with a few changes. From always cracking jokes while on missions to literally being a big goof around his companions. However, he is very experienced with magic and thoroughly knows how to make his moves. His friends say he can be a very smart man but he doesn't really give much attention to it. Eliot wants to live a rather nice and simple life while doing what he does best: fighting crime and making some big spells.

Haha, here I am again! I've mentioned this multiple times whenever I go to one of your threads but please do not overwork yourself and take your time with your art! I always see you opening many and many freebie pages, and I do honestly get a little worried! So, even if you do not pick me for one of your sketches, I'm just here to say that take your time and have a very lovely day! I hope you're having one like I am! Cheers! <3

Renata Ruery

Aaaa I love your art!!    Like I'm genuinely obsessed with how you draw hands I'm just?? How??? Also that anatomy *^*

Here's my baby for your consideration:

  • CHARACTER: Renata Rau 
  • PERSONALITY:  Adventurous, excitable and bold. The type of person that talks a lot, but as she left the room you'll realize that she didn't say a single about herself at all. Her friends would sometimes talk about her and fall into silence as the realization dawns on them; none of them knew Renata as well as they think. 
  • POSE/ EXPRESSION SUGGESTION: An overconfident expression with a cocky pose is all I could think of, but it is entirely up to you! I don't want to force you to do anything when you're already doing it for free
Thank you so much for the chance! <3

AzuelZorro102 : Please read my rules/ guidelines again in their entirety to have your request considered. Thank you.

Weemelia : Lynn's link isn't working for me for some reason (it says the character in invalid). Would you happen to have another link for her? Thanks. Also, to answer your question about the HTML I use; yes, the coding/ layout is mine. I use my own HTML codes/ layout unless credited otherwise. Unfortunately, I don't plan on publicly sharing this particular code, but any/ all available F2U codes of mine can be found on my side account, AviCode, if interested.


New/ Changed Rule(s):

  • I will not draw your character again if I've already drawn them once in any of my other freebie threads.
  • If six months have passed and I still haven't filled your initial request, you may request again but with different character(s). [Previously, I said two months, but that's too lenient of a waiting period for someone as lazy as I am]

abattoir / Weemelia : I know it's unfair of me since I decided to implement this new rule of not drawing your character again if I've already drawn them once when the both of you already posted prior to this change, but feel free to let me know if you have any other characters you'd like drawn instead to comply with this new rule. Apologies for the inconvenience ;;