Laidback freebs (closed)

Posted 4 years, 19 days ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by Beedles

Art block is eating my brain but I've really been craving a round of freebies. :'] Lend me some characters please!! (Not drawing in order.)

Not sure how long I'll be around this time but feel free to request more than once.

If you like my art and want to support me please do leave a follow on ig, or alternatively I have a Kofi.

edit; Everyone has a week to accept their transfer before I delete them, just so no one gets something they don't want (it's free art after all).

Please remember to say thank you!! I may be chopped liver but I am sentient chopped liver and won't draw for you again if you're rude.


I have some fictional children in need of some loving here.

Tysm and hope you're having a good day/night! Also your dA link isn't directing to your page?



Odd! It works for me. That's annoying, I changed it to link to profile instead of the gallery, hopefully that works. Sorry about that.

 Sandy Shores Seishiyo

I don't know if you prefer humans or animals but id like to throw my boi Sandy out there.

Also big mood accept i can't be lazy i have art things i have to get done. Though you make me want to do art requests again cause i have a hard time drawing my own characters. xD


Beedles Yeah, it works now, thanks! Giving a watch for the lovely art. ( ゚▽゚)/


oops I think I deleted my first comment so I'll go again;
I was wondering if you could draw one of my four characters here!
I don't mind who you draw, you can go ahead and choose whoever you wish :)


OMG Beedles thank you so much he turned out so effing cute holy carp. QuQ I really appreciate you taking the time to draw my merboi i really enjoy the way you did his freckles and the way you handled his markings. It makes me so happy and starts off  the day in a very nice way!! <3 


First of all thanks for the chance. Second your style its nice I think you draw Daniel and makes him look adorable.

Not sure of you prefer drawing gals oe guys so ill drop a bit of everything XD

Valeria Sorsa

Hi there, I like your art :D 

Maybe her? I don't have any art of her yet :'D 

Avatar Hannah66665

Ooh, I'm really, really digging the style of the merboy freebie you drew for someone! 

Not sure if you're still looking to draw, but maybe my boy Avi would inspire you? He's been given the nickname Peter Pan because he as a bit of a fae type look to him with large ears and kinda pointy features. Thanks for the opportunity by the by. ^^ Hope you're safe and well in these weird times.

edited for typos fml x'D


Your art is awesome! I'd love for you to do this guy, or this one, I don't have very much art of either! 

Seperate links just in case you can't click on the words because um I have trouble doing that sometimes:


ThyToxic Aaa sorry do you still want art of Blava as well or just these two?