pls read first thx !

hi guys, this thread always fills up far faster than I can keep up with and I feel a little bad about that ๐Ÿ˜ฅ my commissions and irl things do take priority but I promise I do come back to this thread


post your oc and I might draw them. biased towards designs that look fun to draw. nothing else influences my choices

humanoid only please

link me specific characters please, not folders. feel free to link as many as you'd like

self promo: my very inactiveย instagramย lolo

also if you would like to tip me a dollar or two, you can do so on my ko-fi hereย  thank you! I appreciate the support a lot!

thanks for visiting this thread and take good care <3

completed (2022):


completed (OLD):


Goddness of pure "Sunna" sososocke

Thanke you for the Chance! Your Art Style is lovely!

Saiph Atlas zidanetribal

tysm for the chance! you can draw him in any of his tabs as well; nisien might be fun to see :)

as for song recs... might i offer my terrible taste.. need some shaking + tropical

 Hellwen Slime JestersPersonalFool

Tysm for the opportunity!!

Inter Internetwolfje

Maybe youโ€™ll like Inter (IC), Ruby, Linnea, Tawny or Lupa?ย 

Thx so much for the opportunity! ^^ย 

 Laci Momoa

IC or any of these?

May, Jenna, Roni, Victor, Megan

Thank you for the chance!

Toby ($10) Yunalesca

Thank you for this chance! Maybe this boy will interest you?

A/T Glace_is_tired

Maybe him? Either design is fine!

Cรบ Ushatabaur Anasaitis

Anything of this guy would be super cool! Thanks for considering :)

Damian Zedortoo

Here's this guy if ya want!!


We can offer ย Kion or ย Dahlia for you to draw! Both of them have playlists you can look at and steal music from too, hehe! Thank you for the chance!


poggers gamer bump