LF: Art of my OCs!

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by Tarnish

Oh, yay, another one of these-

I'm simply looking for more drawings and icons of my characters to sort of use as references and such. Scenes would be good too, if you're up to it.https://toyhou.se/Tarnish/characters

I'm prioritizing anything in the unsorted or the Eitor folder!

You may also draw things in the "(re)design" folder, in my characters ideas, or the dragon horde if you'd like. The first two are mostly mood boards and random concepts and such though. But you have NO idea how much it'd mean to me if anyone in there was drawn!

I could also use some moodboards for a few character ideas I have. If you do moodboards, you can comment here so I can give you more info on the types of boards I'm looking for.

Also, if you can design Avali or Synx's please surprise me with one h-



It's fine, I don't mind! But AAAA thank you for this!! It's exactly how I imagined him looking!! If you don't mind, may I add this image to his profile?


pssst im drawing https://toyhou.se/7954327.ferno-the-protogen! ive got a nintendo switch since you asked about consoles, but im not 100% sure if i can get this done before you head to bed since you posted this so long ago adlfksjasf



I'm well awake atm, I should probably remove that outdated information since my active hours are nearly all day long! But thanks!!


sorry for being a bit of a clown, but im not sure how to upload the drawing for you :') Tarnish its done tho


CandyCat914 Lemme try to help-

Submit image > Upload file > scroll down to characters > click arrow next to "my characters" > select from other users characters > Type in "Tarnish" > click blue arrow next to the box with my name in it > menu of my characters should display > scroll and select Ferno > Upload 


that did it! hope ya like it and thanks for letting me draw your awesome character :D



hhhh and thank you for drawing him!! he looks super adorable in it!


oMG i would love to draw Exousiá! i love their moodboards! just thought i would notify you :p


R0x Really? Feel free!


Shameful bump