Sad, Stressed, and it's my B-day - LF Art maybe?

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by Nirith

My dad just got out of surgery, so taking care of him and waiting for his results has been stressful. I have to move soon, so I have to leave my friends. I also haven't been out of the house in half a year due to covid... Annndd my birthday is December 1st. :'P

Today is my birthday. 26 only in number. 62 in body and spirit.

So maybe if anyone wanted to draw my space baby Kenny, they could. 

He may look tough, but he is just a good boy. A gentle cinnamon roll who lives alone on a small spacecraft.


Thanks for reading. <3


Hello, I don't feel confident in drawing humans characters for now, but I wish you and your father to feel better. And I wish you in advance a very happy birthday! 

I will favorite your character in case one day I'm able to draw a human, I'd like to draw him, he is very beautiful! :)