hi i make too many characters that i fall in love with but here i am regardless.

i'm looking for someone to draw my newest mans; Alpha-13. 

do you like masks? fancy hats and suits? men with spider-like characteristics? if you answered one to any (or all) of these then persnippity snaps alpha might catch your eye for a quick doodle?

There's no limit or restrictions as to what you can draw, want to draw just his head? go for it. want to draw some gore? go for it. want to draw him with one of your characters? go! for! it!

anyways thanks for checking this lame thread out love you buhbye


an interested 🤭


Heya! Did a quick dooble for ya! ouo



Rudy dqshdqsh !!!!!! holy shit i'm in awe! ;V ;

I absolutely love the pose and just - honestly ?? skdjdjs EVERYTHING???? your style, even through the doodle, is just so pleasing to look at ????

thank you so much it's more than i could have ever asked for aaaaa jdsfj.



askjdfhjhf thank you!!! ;;o;; And np!! Feel free to hmu any time if you feel like doin a trade! ouo