Free and prolly messy art lmao ^^;;;

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago (Edited 1 year, 11 months ago) by mintymichi

Hey y'all! I'm finally getting back into using my toyhouse again by slowly adding new characters and working on redoing my profile and everything!!
I've been kinda in an art slump lately, so I'll be willing to doodle or draw some of your ocs for free!
Also, I'm pretty shy in socializing and stuff with other artists and creators sometimes, so feel free to tell me about your day or drop a fun fact or something ^^
Some things to note:

  • I do not guarantee consistency in art quality- so it will range from doodles to nicer pieces! 
  • They can be either digital or traditional.
  • I can draw humans better than furries/anthros, but please don't hesitate to give me practice!!!!!!! Please! 
  • I might not get to everybody/choose everybody :( but I may jump around in taking requests! 
  • I may post some of the drawings on my instagram! So please let me know if you're comfortable having your character on my account and if you would like me to tag you. 
I haven't made much new art lately so here are my very limited examples from said instagram :,)
Edit: I have updated some characters so art from my gallery has some examples too!

If you possibly want to give back, you can always DM me to make art of any of my ocs or tip me on my paypal/zelle :) (DM for more details)

Thanks for checking this out :) ♥

Art Examples from this thread:



oh your art is so good!! i'll gently offer kaeru here if you want to try drawing them!! thanks for the chance

Fiery Breeze VictoryDrawsStuff

Thanks for the chance for epic art! I am also very cool with you posting on IG, just tag me (My IG username: VictoryDrawsManga) ! :D

Fiery Breeze VictoryDrawsStuff

Thanks for the chance for epic art! I am also very cool with you posting on IG, just tag me (My IG username: VictoryDrawsManga) ! :D

tbn Orisquirrelking

AAA ur art is amazing awawa,, maybe Luci!!

Also fun fact pineapples can dissolve flesh

Sable Wavioli

Hello hello!! Maybe them if they interest you? I’m fine if you post it on your Instagram, feel free to tag me, my Insta is wavi.goat! 

My day has been pretty good so far, and I hope yours is good as well! Thank you so much for the opportunity <3!

Vivie Stormeko

I have a fursona if you wanna practice furries. If not, then maybe you'd like my girl Tangle? Thanks for considering! And I don't have an insta but I'm fine with it being uploaded if I'm chosen. I'd like to be credited here if possible.

And to ad something about my day... Yesterday wasn't very good but there were some really nice positives. I joked to a friend that he should order me a pizza, and he actually did XD
We were also able to take my kitten, Mango, to the vet to see if he could get neutered. He'll be neutered on Friday ^w^
I've had mostly female pets so I hope everything goes alright. Mango's actually my first male cat so I'm a little scared of what could go wrong, but hey I'm always a little scared tbh. I just gotta believe that everything goes smoothly! We're also getting him microchipped so we have a better chance of finding him if he gets lost!

!❤ P!XEL Dreamirrora

Your art is super lovely! I'd love to see your take on Pixel here if she inspires you!
I've been sick lately but just revamped this bab, so she's my current passion, working hard on her story haha


Feel free to draw anyone in here: Tysm for the chance! If you draw anything i'm completely fine w/it being posted :)

TBN !! newhorizons369

Tysm for the chance!


your art is so nice! i'd love to see Masumi here in your style c: i'm fine with it being posted, too! thanks a ton for the opportunity!


I like giving people a choice, so you can choose anyone from here to draw! 

Also, a thing about my day? Breakdowns are no fun. Been stuck in a writing block. But I'm feeling better. 


Here is Eunsoo!! I would have done more, but I couldn't bc of other stuff. I just love how he's TXT inspired- that's just so cute ♥

Also I am so sorry I forgot his bandages on his hand but I was in too far to fix it TT TT