Headshot freebies with a twist!! :D

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by Vrie


doing either sketched headshots, colored headshots+shading or without (depending on how im feeling)
i will choose about a few (probably 4 or more)
the chances of me drawing them is depending on the designs. simple designs will not catch my interest however- i still love them! i love really chaotic designs and eye stain looking ones by the way ^^"


all i ask if you could give me feedback on what you think of my species and favorite one of them or sub to me ^^" thats all i ask
will do:
Feral animals
humanoid animals
Any species of animal/creature
maybe..humans..? (depends- im still learning to draw them)
gore/bloodly (i could make it halloween themed as well if you wish!)
won't do:
canon characters (only doing ocs for rn)
nsfw- sexual themes- (..im a minor so- a big fat no no)
more than one character
please note that i will do these whenever i have free time! or when im bored

 art examples (haven't done alot of headshots so- heres some of my art!! :D) note: im not doing gif/small animations (again- put it there for examples for my art!)-  



Drawing list
Sage(Done - proof vv)
Powwow (Done - proof vv)40816033_2AfehCn3gyIVsNt.png
Mantis(Done - proof vv)
Joseph(Done - proof vv )41055502_jtKk9KrZEHlrMBP.png
Crasher(Done - proof vv)

 Mantis DarcyDraws

I really like your art!! 

I think hexions are pretty cool! I do think you could include a bit more about what patterns might be allowed? Also, adding lore to species is always fun! I faved a couple of your characters =}

I'd love to see something of Mantis, Poppyseed, Darcy, Verio, or Seren?

Thanks so much for the chance!

Sage Oliverskullydog

I can't wait for the species hexions to be avalble! Honestly been dying to make one. I'm favoriting a few of your charcters!

It'll be cool to see more art of Sage in your art style!

Thanks for the chance

Crasher aka Barf Orisquirrelking

Hexions look swaggy asf, i love the horns!! Also i faved a bunch uvu


Your species seems really cool! I like the idea of having feral and humanoid versions of the same species and would love to see how that would impact the society they're in.

My OC is quite simply designed and human but I'll give it a shot anyway. 


Maybe you could try my new oc :) thank you for the opportunity


two of them are already done * w*


Oliverskullydog E