Pride Art Raffle- Join Via This Bulletin!

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 months ago) by VictoryDrawsStuff

So I always host monthly raffles, its part of a Monthly Raffles challenge I am doing! And this month's no exception-

For June I hosted a pretty much hosted a pride art raffle that lost it's steam - So by the suggestion of my followers , I decided to move the raffle to this Bulletin, yes you can join via this Bulletin! Here's how to join:

Subscribe to me (if you are an old subscriber, then you don't have to do this step!) and comment on this Bulletin with a LGBTQ+ character (OC or even canon character) YOU want me to draw if you do win the raffle! 

Or OPTIONALLY you can join via the linked Profile (pride art raffle that lost it's steam) and follow the instructions on the profile- You can only enter via ONE way, so choose wisely! (Exceptions are made for previous enterers of the Profile raffle before this Bulletin is posted, you guys can enter via this Bulletin as compensation)


Simple as that, do this ^^^ and you are entered! You will be assigned a single number based on you're entry and when you entered.


Extra Entries? Heres some options! (In you're comment PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU DID so the extras can be accounted for!):

  • Fave these characters (+1 for each fave!) Willard , Preziosa , Osamu , Qiang Kun / Crystallum , Huo Shui (All these OCS count, but you can fave extras if you are feeling generous! Thank you! <3)
  • Follow me on Twitter! (+1 for following!)
  • PING up to THREE PEOPLE you think might want to enter this pride art raffle! (+3 for pinging three, but you can ping more!)
  • Give a sub / follow to my webcomic Jojo's Record Raid on Webtoon Canvas + Globalcomix! Webtoon Canvas link + Globalcomix link (+1 / +2 total for sub / following on both platforms!)
  • Share this raffle somehow! Bulletin, social media post? Whatever, link it for proof! (+3 for sharing!)
(You can find more on my artsite! In which by the way I got commissions open, commission me and you have a 100% chance of getting pride art, I can make any art pride art for free for a limited time!)






OKAY- Read over! To anyone who joins, thank you so much! I really appreciate you're support and is glad to give back to the community like this! Hoping to host even more raffles in the future! <3

This raffle ENDS JULY 9TH!


Demistasis Biscuits-N-Nuggies Internetwolfje Husky_y Denizen alexthetiger KittyVi bishopspentrick TaviBlu GingrrCat LonelyWaterBender PurpleOctoGamer RayzSaa Nebbyy SmilishStylish Prince-CutieGUTZ KRIMZONEX cressmoon cicada-days 

Apologies for all the pings, but you are all the ones eligible to re enter the raffle via this new Bulletin version for extra chances! Good luck! :D


alexthetiger Another entry for you! You got an extra number, neato! You're extra number is 1E ! (E = Extra) <3


do i pick another character or do I use the same one?


Biscuits-N-Nuggies For extra entries , yeah you could pick another one if you want me to draw a different character if you win, otherwise same one!

 Isha Demistasis

wowie, well hope you get more entries by posting the raffle here :D
i still continue to slide my bisexual queen 💪 and best of luck to everyone!


Demistasis Hopefully! And thanks for joining again I love Valentine and her design HJGHDFHJDKHGH YESSS- You're extra neato number is 2E!

 Umi Biscuits-N-Nuggies

I decided to use the same one, She is a Sapphic Non-binary that is also demi-sexual :) I'm non-binary and pan/demi , but I to learn about different sub-communities in the LGBTQIA+ community ^.^


Biscuits-N-Nuggies I really can see her lovely design in the Bulletins and I think that's neat to learn more about the community! You're number is 3E , extra !

Caz Nebbyy

hihi! thanks for the ping and extra chance! u could draw the one linked in the other one or her! she is pan and a demigirl! :D 


Nebbyy Got it, and you're welcome! You're extra number is 3E! :D


bonjour :) same character(s) I had on the last entry


cressmoon Heyo! You got yourself another number, 4E ! ;)

Jiāháo cicada-days

Same characters as last time,,, but maybe Jiāháo too? He’s a little gay.

faved all of the characters and I follow ur twitter!