[open] free sketchy customs

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by ishka

I need to exercise my designing muscle, which has been rotting limp and frail for quite some time during my art absence, so what better way than a no-pressure free-for-all? 

Now, they will not share the same ‘quality’ of my paid for customs and designs, as per the ‘sketchy’ in the title. That said, I shall accept the unique challenges you produce, in spite of their aesthetics, concepts and details. Spare me no mercy! I have a habit of keeping to a particular comfort zone…

Before you begin, please note:

  • Due to the nature of being free these won’t be a priority to finish, and the chances of me fulfilling every concept are slim (here’s to trying haha).
  • You are not obligated to keep the design. If the unfortunate happens (no worries, no harm should it occur), simply state so. Rejected designs will be moved into my ‘free’ folder (father folder: ‘for sale’).
  • This is not first come first serve, so please do not be offended if I take yours on later, or not at all. 

Earlier I said no matter what concept you provide, I will draw, but here are some guidelines to save you time asking

 I am okay with the following (feel free to enquire if yours aren’t here though);

  • Humanoid
  • Anthro
  • Feral
  • Monster
  • Dragon
  • Mecha
  • Artistic nudity (naked bodies for the sake of anatomy, not sexual in nature)
  • Gore/injury (do not mind the severity)

I am not okay with the following;

  • NSFW/Sexual content
  • Intricate attire and jewellery 
  • Anything politically related

With that addressed, here is a helpful form (more likely to consider yours if you use it). There is no limit to how many you can send, so go berserk!!

SPECIES: (are they human? Monster? Go as specific as you please)

ANATOMY: (what are key points to their bodily structure?)

SEX: (Describe how you envisage them, whether that be feminine, masculine or androgynous. 

KEYWORDS: (If you do not have anything to write for in the section below (details) then KEYWORDS might help. Example: smoker/aggressive/winged, and so on)

DETAILS: (If this is a character concept you have pre-existing details for, lay them here! Anything you think might help flesh them out)

ATTIRE/AESTHETIC: (It would help immensely if you provided images of clothing and aesthetic you wish for me to emulate. However, if you cannot, writing it in detail or general idea will suffice)

AVOID: (If there are attributes you do not want included in this design, name them here)

MOODBOARD: (It is important to provide a moodboard, preferably one that carries the colour scheme and key aesthetics. You can also send a separate image for colour scheme to be accurate)

EXTRA: (anything else I need to know? Go for it)

Feel free to check out my profile to gauge my previous character designs and current artistry. 

Thanks for looking! :^] I look forward to getting to practice that skill!

☆ Lyra ☆ Fenrir-Twilight-Star

Could you draw my character Lyra?


SPECIES: anthropomorphic lynx

ANATOMY: tall, curvy figure ig?, lightly buff

SEX: feminine in body, identifies also as a cis female

KEYWORDS: steampunk, cogs/shiny metal, butch


ATTIRE/AESTHETIC: Outfit (def include the hat, and steampunk aesthetic)

AVOID: skirts/dresses, nudity

MOODBOARD: steampunk moodboard

Thanks so much for the chance ^^



Unfortunately I cannot as this thread does not offer free sketches of pre-existing characters.


SPECIES: humanoid OR anthro is fine!!

ANATOMY: feminine but petite curvy build.. i rlly like hips dips and accentuated hip bones

SEX: extreme feminine leaning !!! 

KEYWORDS: sweet, girly, soft, plushie collector(??), shy 




AVOID: neons/bright colors, “masculine“ or “harsh“ features 

MOODBOARD: previous moodboard works :D

EXTRA: if humanoid, maybe she could be a doll?? i don’t mind fan ocs either of like monster high if that sparks anything…. if you do anthro then i would love for the animal species to be like a lamb.. <3

thank you so so much for giving the opportunity!!!


SPECIES: monster that looks like a dragon! (anthro)

ANATOMY: male, huge, has a lot of muscles

SEX: masculine

KEYWORDS: aggressive, evil, winged, dangerous

DETAILS: has ribs showing, has more than 1 tail and has 3+ eyes, winged, wings are made up of bones, colors: black&light purple or light brown

ATTIRE/AESTHETIC: horror, wears ripped clothingu=2904396652,3389787477&fm=253&fmt=auto&

AVOID: entirely bright colors/white-ish colors

MOODBOARD: idk maybe ececf166f6188dc42944a959aa92b93ce6c0298f

EXTRA: tysm for considering!!!!!


I just check your style and i come up with a design idea ! (by the way i love your style, it remind me of warframe characters ! ♥) 

SPECIES: Humanoid, looks like a human but with strange features 

ANATOMY: slim 

SEX: androgynous 

KEYWORDS: mimic, forest, insect, predator

DETAILS: something that looks like a humanoid insect that hide in front of trees and attacks preys ! 




AVOID: bright colors, features like multiples eyes/arms and all

MOODBOARD: 033d62e94a27960509afd6eb83c3287d.jpg

EXTRA: thanks for the chance ! ♥


♡Species:♡ Anthro

♡Anatomy:♡ Curvy, short

♡Sex:♡ Female/feminine 

♡Keywords:♡ Fancy coffee, light pink, innocent, sweet

♡Details:♡ Possibly curly hair, young female 21+, likes going to Starbucks and shopping for new clothes, sweet to everybody



♡Avoid:♡ masculine features, super dark colors (black), no insect features, multiple arms, legs, etc. 

Thank you soooo much!! 💕💕


SPECIES: Monster with slight anthropomorphic canid and/or snake features, but you don't really need to have a whole animalistic look, it's just an idea of some resemblance to help ground the appearance in a few ideas of form. Just go bananas with what you think, really.

ANATOMY: Multiple eyes, bipedal figure, somewhat tall form with maybe some slight musculature, and maybe have the eyes be somewhat piercing? That last part's up to your choice, really. But I hope those few traits can help!

SEX: I envision them to be more of an androgynous type of body type and structure, with no real bend towards a masculine or feminine appearance.

KEYWORDS: Outlaw / Wanderer / Polar / Sci-Fantasy / Western

DETAILS: Overall the sort of idea that this character embodies is the idea of a Sci-Fantasy character mixed with Western if it were set in a polar desert rather than your typical desert aesthetic you'd see in those types of genres. I was also thinking maybe a potential post-apocalyptic vibe if you need ideas for how to blend those genres together, because I do know it might be a bit complex of an idea. Now the reason I mention the settings and all that is mostly so as to help with giving ideas for features that something living in that climate and genre could have, allowing for you to interpret my idea as best as possible. Though otherwise I just think that the emphasis on the polar Western Outlaw theme would be a detail to take into consideration, but that's it.

ATTIRE/AESTHETIC: e4ae913c32198a7725beeffd58c84f4c.jpg keepers_of_the_void__pallid_by_rob_josep

A sort of hybridisation between the two of these outfits is sorta what I was thinking if you're to do them with all the clothes and all. Like a polar aesthetic of clothing that also has the western outlaw sort of look. Of course I don't mean to emulate the amount of detail, but these are just two pictures I thought would best fit my ideas attire-wise.

AVOID: If possible, I'd not like the design to be too flashy and colourful on its own, not accounting for the possibility of things like clothes that could make them stand out more.

Moodboard. As for colour scheme, I'm sadly not really too well-versed in ideas for that, so I'm gonna have to leave that one to you if you wish to take me up on this concept.

EXTRA: If you need any additional help with things like details, idea-bouncing, or really just anything that could help the process of doing the sketch in the event you choose my idea, I'd be elated to help! But otherwise I think that's it.

I hope you enjoyed reading this conceptual idea, I would be honoured to have you choose my idea.


SPECIES: Humanoid, mostly human with ears and a tail

ANATOMY: A normal human with some animal parts.

SEX: Androgynous, bordering masculine. 

KEYWORDS: Sunset, desert, dry, eventide

DETAILS: I'm really into locs as a hairstyle on characters nowadays, and I love characters with two or more colors in their hair. I also love when eyes have two or more colors in them.

ATTIRE/AESTHETIC: I'm not picky with clothing, as long as it's more interesting than a hoodie and pants I am happy. 

AVOID: Adding paws or fur on arms/legs, cowboy aesthetic 



EXTRA: I'm African American, so I would love if this character was black ^^ Please interpret anything I said however you want, I love a good surprise. 

Thank you much for the opportunity 🙏🏾 ❤ 


SPECIES: Lovecraftian Hodag

ANATOMY: Mist / Obscured features, like in the face or around the body (follows the entity). Possibly dark like ashes or tainted mist.
Quadrupedal with Horns (bull-like), Downward Tusks, Long, Thick Claws, and thick Spines going all along the creature's back. Front facing eyes that, if not for the glow, would be completely obscured in the mist surrounding its head. Has opposable thumbs. May have eyes on other parts of the body as well, though not places that could easily be damaged.

SEX: Androgynous

KEYWORDS: Vengeful, Justicar

DETAILS: This creature was born of the cremated remains of animals, mostly farm animals, abused at the hands of people. This creature is known to come down and confront animal keepers, trainers, or workers who harm or mistreat animals to the point of sending off distress signals. It will run people away from animals, set captured animals and animal people free, and will fight people who do not back down. These creatures can lose themselves from extreme hunger or some other corrupting stimulus. They are considered monsters by the general populace, though few actually understand them.

ATTIRE/AESTHETIC: (It would help immensely if you provided images of clothing and aesthetic you wish for me to emulate. However, if you cannot, writing it in detail or general idea will suffice)



AVOID: Super Sleek or Super Bulky designs. I also don't want it to look small, nor super big.

MOODBOARD: Here is my usual spooky monster moodboard.


EXTRA: The creature will be used as a monster in my D&D games, and as a lesser deity or guardian beast in my stories.

Ty for the opportunity :> I hope he interests you.


Thank you all for uploading your concepts. Each has been intriguing to read, especially one in particular..

Since posting this i have been busy, but in my free time I will realise these ideas.

For those that haven't submitted their own form but are interested, you may still do so. This will remain open for the foreseeable future.


edit- The message might be to long its cutting off idk what to do :((( edit2- I fixed it :DD

SPECIES: Calico Cat

ANATOMY: A lil cubby boy!

SEX: A trans lad with a slight dad bod

KEYWORDS: Soft, Gentle, Nerdy

DETAILS: Basically hes an amazing little trans guy :D hes into things like Dnd, Stranger Things, Brooklyn Nine Nine and then video games like Stardew Valley, Potion Permit, Persona5 Royal and Borderlands! He's just a quiet nerdy guy whos really sweet when you get to know him!


22 Shy guys outfits ideas | mens outfits, cool outfits, fashion outfits

AVOID: Him not having hair- anthro characters who have fluffy hair!

MOODBOARD: I want him to have an actual calico cats color palette and pattern!

Calico kitty fish Color Palette
queer moodboards — Shy/quiet trans boy moodboard! -mod puck

EXTRA: Like I said earlier I'd love for him to have hair! And he needs top surgery scars due to him being a trans male<3 besides that Im sure you'll know what to do!!