May I doodle your dragon characters? (Open!)

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 11 months, 19 days ago) by AztechTheFirst

Never made a thread before but I thought I might as well make one to test things out :’D

Hi there person reading this, I was wondering if I may perhaps doodle your dragon characters :0

The quality of the doodle depends on what ever mood I am in, so I apologize if I draw someone else’s character better than yours TvT although I will still try to make it look good though!

Some of me art examples if ya want em:  Examplesss

If you are interested you can leave a link to the character ya want me to draw ^^ if I choose to doodle them I will upload them to their profile when done :3 

Have a good day!

All finished dragon doodles can be viewed here!

Edit: Holy heckin heck- I didn’t expect so many responses so fast- :’D 

Raw Angerdoggo

Ive got two, if you dont mind! This guy aaaaand-

Sugar Pill Angerdoggo

-this guy! Thank you for the chance!


I've got some fluffy dragons here: Tense, Elaraea. Thank you so much if you do!