Free redesigns

Posted 6 months, 4 days ago by Kawaii_kukki

Heyoo this post is for characters that you want to keep but you aren't sure if you like the design and/or are to busy to redesign it yourself!!

Just comment (IC) and I will see what I can do.

I will redesign as many as I can whenever I can, I won't do them in order, I will do the ones that piques my interest first.

I may redesign them at random times when I'm not busy, because this is something I will be doing in my spare time or when I'm just bored at home lol

Feel free to check out my art if ya wanna see my most recents or check out my designs lol

Anyways that's all so ttyl everyone!!!


Ty for the chance :3

Placido jerrybunny

This boy has been waiting to get redesign for long time, Only thing I want to left untouched is the eyes and the eyeshadow, but otherwise it is free game on him ^^! I really want to get attached to them again. Thank you for offering these

Phenai Kittyraven

Thank you for the opportunity

Some ideas: maybe like the violinist from identity V type vibes :3

Fee JustMimma

She needs an extreme makeover 😂

Thanks for the chance, you can go wild with the new design... And most of all, be sure to have fun! ✨


JustMimma do you by chance have a color pallette for her, because I do digital drawings 😬

VAM_Ame Creative_

Perhaps Ame our fellow vampiric boy. He is a vampire so I want more of an old fashioned Victorian clothing perhaps mixed with casual if possible? Or you could redesign him in whatever seems fit in ur head

Dedoggo SpeckDoggo

Him maybeee? I’ll likely use the redesign as an AU version by the way 


Kawaii_kukki I do not, you can come up with it if you want!

Otherwise, if you would prefer a color palette, you can use these colors putting them on her however you prefer (it would be cute if her face and hands were dark though, and the eyes light in color to contrast!):

Fur should be the off-white and blackish colors, clothing could me a mix of black and the other three bright ones:

#1c1c1c, #e86a92, #f7e733, #009fb7, #eff1f3

You should be able to see them here for color picking.

Jack LeBun🐇 LoWenaH

I rushed his design, would like his clothes more complex and to show better that he is a mechanic

Xelene ultradynamicstarz

Thanks for the chance! Maybe you could make a small resdesign. I'd like for you to add more purple to her design, along with a matching cloak like this

OTA Falaffle

Maybe this girl? Same hair color and same hair clips/ basic colors the same. Everything else is up to you! <3 thank you for the chance! 


could you redesign: This girly?