[LF] Romance writing of my OCs (closed tysm!!)

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 months, 29 days ago) by Virgichuu

Hey, hey!~ For yall who are bored and have nothing to do, feel free to check out my kids if you want to write about them! 

I'm addicted to writing of my ocs, mostly looking for romance! If you wish to be commissioned I can pay through PayPal!♡

You can check out my ocs from these folders!

Usual | Historical | Fantasy | Nande

A few ocs you can pick from:

Caron | Asdis | Beorthric | Guiscard | Haytham | Ithel | Malik | Regina

Hope you have fun writing about them if you want!~

UPDATE 02.12.19: Lately, I've been into historical romance and developed my ocs Christian and Angélique which are in the historical folder and I'm currently looking for writing of them!~ You don't need stick to my plot and course of events other than their personality and their familial environment! I'd love to read more about them if you could create your brand new au~♡

UPDATE 22.04.22: I've been keen on reading some oc writing lately and would like to say that I'd love to commission someone! Of course I would be grateful for any snippet if you felt bored!♡


I think I might do one lool


Jazzyyazi oh my!~ I hope you'll have fun then <3 Thank you <33


What would you be looking for in the story tho? And how long?


Jazzyyazi oooooh honestly I'm looking for romance specifically and nothing nsfw haha!~ But if you find something that might inspire you in some characters' profiles, feel free to write about it! As for the length, you can write however long you want! It could be a drabble or a one-shot, as long as you enjoy writing it!~ 


Alright, do you have an email i can send it to when I'm done?


Jazzyyazi aww sure of course! Here it is: [email protected] <33 Have fun dear <3


Wait, what characters do you want me to do?


Jazzyyazi oooh honestly I don't have any preferences! Since I've got many of them you can write about whoever you're comfortable with? It could be from the Nande or Usual folders but if you've got some affinity with history there's my historical folder as well <3 


Are there any cute couple characters that you have that I could write about? Or a fighting scene?


Jazzyyazi Oh! I've got many! Let me list you some!~







If you enjoy fighting, Christian is good at fencing and often engages in duels! Caron and Asdis are both knights/ex-knights! Kendrick and Letitia are also both used to fighting, especially Kendrick who used to be a delinquent in his younger years!


How much gore are you looking for? Or no gore?


Jazzyyazi hn as long as it's not especially explicit it's fine!~ Mild is okay!


Alright I'll get started soon!!


Jazzyyazi sure!~ Have fun dear and thank you very much <33