{ R1 } Harpeent Nation

Posted 8 years, 11 months ago (Edited 8 years, 11 months ago) by kiku

Info goes here about [PEENT], a small nation sequestered by thick arboreal forests.

rough notes about the structure of the city:

  • square mileage is small but everything in the country is densely packed together, as the buildings are structured hypervertically to conserve space.
  • slums are at the bottom, population is sparser but more well-off as the buildings ascend.  
  • buildings typically are created by hollowing out the massive trees that are endemic to their home forest.
  • the overall look of the nation very cluttered, a melting pot of various aesthetics and cultures with tons of objects hanging from trees or piled up in nooks and crannies
  • technology is limited to what can be bartered off of other nations; although harpies are clever enough to craft their own utilities they tend to be rather lazy about it
  • usually strings of lights dangling between trees to provide some vision at night, most harpies use shielded oil lamps since candles could get very dangerous with all the wood
  • most homes and important buildings are reinforced with stone, enchantments, and other nonflammable materials, only the poorest slums are typically in danger of being set ablaze


Other nations are wary of [PEENT] due to its denizens' lack of scruples about “borrowing” objects and adding them to their immense treasuries, but maintain a tenuous peace with them due to the sheer amount of artefacts that the harpies have collected over time. The harpy libraries are among the most extensive and valuable collections of books throughout all the nations, and carefully monitored visitors are allowed to thumb through their contents if they jump through enough hoops. For renowned scholars and researchers, this opportunity cannot be passed up, even if this means they have to part with some of their own material positions to gain access to a day or two in the harpies’ shelves.
Libraries consist of shelves spiraling up the walls of trees and typically have a handful of librarians that each specialize in a particular type of book. Sometimes libraries and museums are combined and the librarians will also serve as curators to protect artefacts.




A winged, bird-like race that lives in the dense, lofty canopies of [PEENT].
Although they lack the inherent ability to control magic, they are highly curious and thirst to control and learn more about it. Their society largely revolves around collecting beautiful artefacts, many of which are highly magical and pilfered from other nations. Although their culture places high emphasis on beauty, their standards of beauty do not fall within conventional human standards – they believe in the idea of “aesthetic,” and if an individual can successfully tailor and maintain a unique aesthetic for themselves, they will be lauded by the rest of their flock. Even the drabbest and dullest harpy can thus become high ranking if they invest enough time and effort into a self-image, no matter how humble it may be.

[anatomy sketches/diagrams go here]




  • humanoid in appearance, with elongated wing "arms." Possess slim, clawed "hands" at the end with thumbs for manipulating objects
  • posture appears a bit more stooped than typical humans, stand like birds on keratin-scaled feet 
  • covered all over in feathers, although in some areas they are very fine and near-invisible. "Hair" is merely elongated feathers that are trimmed into specific styles
  • cannot actually fly without magical aid - they can't attain liftoff, but they can glide for sustained periods depending on wing size
  • craftsmen harpies may trim their primaries for increased mobility
  • as intelligent as humans and are able to fully vocalize. their own language is punctuated with chirps, squawks, and other primitive noises which most humans are unable to imitate
  • incredibly keen eyesight but poor sense of smell and have hearing only slightly better than a human's. they can see more colors than humans and can see much farther/more clearly
  • very material-oriented, tend to have visceral responses to visual feedback - partly the reason their culture revolves around aesthetic and beauty. they form strong emotional attachments to objects and often use gift-giving as a way to express their feelings (particularly in courtship)
  • sexual dimorphism distinguished through genitals and typically larger females

??? - smallest subspecies (based on passeriformes, hummingbirds, other tiny birds), flighty and very vocal.
???? - largest subspecies (based on raptors), particularly keen eyed and fierce. 
????? - medium-sized subspecies (based on parrots and corvids), clever and tend to be craftsmen (THE BEST SUBSPECIES oK)


  • vegetation, insects, small rodents (much like...birds), they can eat raw food but that's generally seen as unseemly
  • adept at hunting due to their talons and agility
  • basically incapable of traditional farming due to the nature of their environment, but are able to harvest from trees and designate specific seasonal crops


Harpies who are exposed to high quantities of magic often wither and die or become abominations, as their bodies are not designed to harbor it. The rare individuals who survive are often irrevocably warped and contaminated, but due to their society’s near-fanatical fixation on magic, rocket into high-status positions. Fear of death prevents most harpies from attempting to tamper with magical instruments, creating an oligarchy of bold individuals who are fervently admired by the rest of their kin. Magically-contaminated inviduals are known as Graces.

Many nations have become wary of the individuals who lead the harpy nation from the shadows, and have given them code-names and danger ratings as precautions for possible military intervention.

CHERUBIM (in mythology, archangels with multiple animal body parts/multiple animal faces)

These individuals have had a body part mutated into something else – often into something resembling another species’ anatomy, like a clawed foot into a paw. They are typically considered the least dangerous of the archangels due to the randomness of the change and the potential for absolutely useless mutations, but occasionally a lethal anomaly will occur. There are hushed rumors of eldritch harpies with tentacles bursting from where wings ought to be, or strangely mutated heads with rows of extra teeth and claws. 

Red Light District – the high-end of the red light district and courtesans, which is full of parlors of cherubim-mutated harpies who can fulfill any kink or fetish you can imagine. (Teeth in places where they don’t belong? Yep. Goo or slime? Sure. Extra orifices? Check. Tentacles…do u even have to ask) I’m sorry
Harpies with random useless mutations are often sent here because their odd body part might fulfill someone's fetish out there...u never know
Of course, if the mutation is very minor (eg an ear got turned into a finger or smth), an individual will probably just be treated as a standard harpy

Militia – cherubim who actually have useful mutations (that increase their strength, stealth, have body parts with the potential to be used as weapons, etc.) are usually enlisted into the military as soon as the extent of their magical exposure has been discovered. The military is not typically active 


Harpies with a single trait or body part duplicated and amplified. This includes but is not limited to eyes, ears, arms, or wings. This mutation is considered a heightening of individual senses, creating dangerous creatures with carefully honed areas of specialty. A multi-eyed harpy may become a spy who can take in visual information from all angles, a multi-winged one an adept and unrivaled flier. Seraphim harpies are often regarded as the physical “force” behind the archangel harpies, and are given the highest danger rating in terms of combat and face-to-face encounters.



Harpies whose brains have been fused or tainted with magic. Such individuals often have powers that relate to the mind or emotions, granting skills such as limited clairvoyance or the ability to sense or manipulate others’ emotions. Their mind-related magic always physically manifests as a halo around their heads that may be partly material or completely immaterial, but is always visible to the naked eye. Additional rings may also crop up on a harpy’s body if their magic is particularly strong. As such, despite their immense danger rating they are easily identifiable and thus most easily avoided compared to the other archangels. They are also often extremely physically frail and lead cloistered lives, directing the other archangels from high-up shelters where they are protected from invaders and the elements.







Option one -

Although the archangels are almost certainly in control, there is a figurehead empress who is the official head of the state. The empress is known as the Phoenix, and allegedly (from rumors that the archangel squads are adamant upon spreading and maintaining), she is the same harpy and has been for several hundred years, constantly reincarnating and manifesting as a different type of bird in each of her lives. Her death is always a showy affair that has become a sort of public ritual and spectacle, where hundreds of harpies gather to watch her burst into flames and re-emerge as a squalling baby.

Other nations suspect that the phoenix ritual is a complete fabrication - that the archangels in charge are encouraging a grotesque ceremony to sate the eager cries of the populace, and replacing the former figurehead empress with a completely different baby after the former has essentially been publicly burned at the stake (it’s also suspected that the burning occurs each time an empress starts to become too curious about the outside world, or grow aware of her role in her society). Such theories are plausible, as the empress’s tutors (who are supposed to educate her on the nature of their society and re-teach her the memories of her past lives) are all Ophanim harpies who keep her secluded and well-protected in their high-up palace.


Alternative route is that the empress is actually the leader, but she’s not actually a phoenix at all – she’s a birbwitch masquerading as a triple archangel. In this route, one option is that the the fire ritual is a show to convince the populace that she’s actually a harpy and show off her magical prowess.
Second idea is that the fire ritual is a necessity, as she’s a sort of twisted phoenix who’s incredibly old and relies on the life force of others to survive and retain her youth. So the burning ritual is literally her absorbing the life force of a harpy sacrifice and rebirthing herself in their energy (manifesting as flames), then emerging from the ceremony as a youthful witch again.

some general things i wanna go with:

  • there's a stand-in group of grace harpies, so to outsiders the government appears to be an oligarchy
  • the witches are somehow connected and definitely pulling a lot of strings in the nation; harpies make excellent allies for them due to their willingness to undergo magical exposure and experiments and thirst for enchanted objects


Imports & Exports

  • don't really export much...they may take artefacts and enchant them for a price (aided by graces or magical instruments they snuck out of other nations), then ship those out, but don't actually process or produce many goods of their own
  • take imports from basically any nation that can swap them magical artefacts and/or food
  • in return they tend to trade information or trinkets
  • at this point in time the witches in charge wish to keep the nation relatively isolated to keep their governmental involvement hushed up. The harpy nation is a massive experimenting ground for them, at least as far as the higher ups are concerned, but the nation does require resources such as food...