
Posted 9 years, 3 months ago (Edited 9 years, 3 months ago) by Odangouu

The quaint town was rather busy this eve, with all the shopkeeps were decorating their stores inside and out for the fall festivities tonight. Each shop would be strung with lights while the town square would be brigthly lit with lanters. But that's not all streamers would hang from shop to shop, leaves and flower petals would be strewn about, food carts would lined up filling the air with delicious scents, and picknic tables would be cluttered around the fountain. Two large tables were already placed on either side of the large set up. One, was to be used for the town's annual pie eating contest, as for the other, a large paper would be sprawled across it with various paints and inks for each visitor to leave a message or drawing. Off to the side, behind the message table, there would be various games set up such as, horse shoes, bean bag toos and bobbing for apples.

Mari Odangouu

Mari enters the Inn, carrying a large bundle of flowers. She looks around in search for Moon but has no such luck, with all the people rushing about. Mari, being so short is unable to see above most of the people and huffs. She finds her way to the front desk in hopes to find her friend.

 Moon Star Jinxy

Moon turns around when she hears footsteps aproaching the desk.  Like everyone else, she was busy preparing for the festival.  The Inn was sponsoring a few relay races, and since the majority of the staff were either given the night off or inspecting other attractions, Moon was running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to finish everything in time.  Moon huffs as she lifts a box onto the front desk when she notices her friend aproaching.  "Oh hi, Mari!  Happy Halkey Fest!"  She smiles and wipes her forhead with the back of her hand.

Mari Odangouu

Mari smiles and waves to her friend as she walks closer. "There you are! I was looking everywhere for you. Mister Hadley gave me these flowers for you! He said you ordered some for them last minute. Also yes happy Halkey Fest!" She sets the bundle of flowers down carefully on the front desk.