Introduce Yourself Here!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by Kie-Kay

Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to Children of Enfer (CoE)! Please introduce yourself here so that we may get to know you.


- Follow the form provided

- This is not for your characters, it is for you!


Name: (Can be your real name or nickname or your alias! What do you want us to call you?)

Gender: (Female, male, other, not necessary either!)

Links: (dA, instagram, etc.)

Age: (Not necessary)

How did you find out about CoE?:

Which demon was your first in CoE?: (Insert a link here to your first demon!)

Favorite mythological creature/monster: (Such as Loch Ness or Big Foot)

Which type of CoE demon is your favorite?: (Familiars included)

Thank you for your time! I hope you enjoy your stay here!


Name: Kaylin, Kie, Kie-Kie, Kieria

Gender: Female

Links: dA, Instagram

Age: 25

How did you find out about CoE?: I created it!~

Which demon was your first in CoE?: Caden

Favorite mythological creature/monster: Succubus

Which type of CoE demon is your favorite?: I love all of my children, I can't pick just one! :P


Name: birbity birbutt, but you may call birb birb

Gender: birb/burb/berb/borb/them

Links: DeviantArt | Tumblr (Warning: Chaotic)

Age: 24++

How did you find out about CoE?: A fluffy kitlin smacked into birb's nest's window

Which demon was your first in CoE?: Meep

Favorite mythological creature/monster: big footie or spoopy speletons

Which type of CoE demon is your favorite?: Meep