World Encyclopedia: First Edition (WIP)

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by birbutt
  1. World of Enfer
      • Where the First Demons Rose (Geography)
      • The Blackest Lotus (Faction)
      • The Pursuit of Knowledge (Culture)
      • Mana Mining Industry (Business)
      • Queen's Court (Politics)
      • Settled Land (Geography)
      • A Blade Blazing (Faction)
      • Survival of the Fittest (Culture)
      • Arms Race (Business)
      • Outcasted/Exiled (Politics)
      • Forest of the Wilds
      • Tribes of the Wilds
      • Sea of the Wilds
      • Unknown Wilds
      • Wildest Wilds
  2. Species of Enfer
  3. (????)
    • Stats
    • Traits
    • Sin (Stat Multiplier)
    • Demicoin
    • Equipment & Inventory
    • Usable Items


I. World of Enfer

Current Events

Recent History


Enfer's Moon

The moon above Enfer has special mana crystals embedded all over its surface that are stronger and different in nature than the ones existing on Enfer. Because of these mana crystals the moon controls the weather/tides and emits magical radiation/light down to the surface of Enfer. Therefore, Enfer does have light during the day but it is a soft blue/purple light and is not the same as Earth's sunlight.

The magical radiation/light emitted by the moon is what feeds the plants and some fauna on Enfer. There are seasons on Enfer controlled by the different fluxes of magical radiation from the Moon. Similar to how our seasons work. Weather is controlled by this as well.

There is a theory that some Enferians believe in, that the mana crystals on Enfer, and henceforth its life, came from the moon.








II. Species of Enfer

Spawning Grounds

The Spawning Grounds functions similarly to the Familiar Secret Hideout. The baby demons are able to portal to the Spawning Grounds on their own accord, and when they come of age they lose the ability to do so. As babies, they cannot communicate well with older demons, but can communicate with each other. Babies are faction-less when they are born, and get to decide which faction they will join just before they come of age. Whether that is to betray their family and fight for the opposite army, or to join their family on the same side. Therefore, if a mother and father demon do not see that their baby has returned from the Spawning Grounds its probably because they decided to join the other side. This can sometimes tear families apart.

Wild babies can also be born right at the Spawning Grounds, and Spectre babies always seem to find their way here. Spectre babies rarely have a family of their own.


Dominant Species


Devilish and tricky, these demons love to cause mischief and mayhem. They have a high affinity for the magical arts due to their connection to mana within living things. Imps are able to sap mana from their living surroundings to replenish their own energy. Mana feeding gives imps a feeling similar to euphoria when the mana is pure and unrefined. Some imps can become addicted to pure mana and are considered ‘mana-crazed’ were their flesh might have cracks and mana crystals growing on it. Imps with a high affinity for a certain kind of magic may exhibit the affinity as actual traits, such as a ‘fire imp’ may have fiery horns.

Imps typically do not have bright colored skin. They are pale and ashen, with skin tones ranging from white to ash brown. Their hair is usually very dark. Light haired imps are teased by their comrades. Imps prefer to dress in leather made from beasts they have slain in battle or light fabrics made from threads harvested from the Silkie worms.

 Ice Imps 
Ice imps are special imps who have been gifted a strong affinity for ice magic. They exhibit horns either encrusted with ice or made of it. Sometimes the ice overtakes parts of their body and fuses with it. Their wings can become thick with ice and provide them with protection from offensive blows.

 Fire Imps 
Fire imps possess a very high affinity and relationship with fire magic. Their bodies have been infused with fire, which expresses itself by causing cracks in their skin and charred limbs. Their horns are either constantly on fire or charred a dark black. Some fire imps no longer have normal wings and instead have wings with flames!

Mana-Crazed Imps
These imps have taken in too much pure unrefined liquid mana! How they managed to get so much of this substance is unknown. Perhaps they have connections to the Black Market? Mana-crazed imps can be a little ‘strange’, and often exhibit obsessive disorders. However, due to their consumption of such potent mana, they are extremely intelligent! Due to all of the liquid mana pumping through their body, usually it manifests itself physically in some form. Sometimes as cracks along their skin, or crystal growths on their body.

Blood Imps
A rare tribe of imps found centuries ago in the Wilds had become addicted to mana laced in blood. This practice led their people into becoming completely reliant on mana from only blood. It is the only way they can satiate their hunger for mana. Blood imps are most notable for their large, elongated fangs. Some even exhibit coagulated blood horns, where typically horns are no longer present.


Never in a rush, Slimes are very laid back demons. They can have opaque to translucent bodies that can take on many different forms. Typically, for fighting and socializing they are in a humanoid shape. Some slimes may have bone horns inside their slime that can move around with their bodies. Slimes do not have keratinous hair like the others, instead their hair is made of slime! It makes it really easy to style!

Slimes are considered the tanky species of demon. They can take magical hits and offensive hits depending on what kind of slime they are. There bodies can easily regenerate or harden to lessen impacts. Slimes are typically laid back, a little slow moving, and prefer not to be woken from their naps. The middle of a slime’s body houses their ‘core’ which is where their life essence and mana is stored. If their core is destroyed, they will perish. The extremities of slimes, or any part of their body not near their core, such as hair, and fingers, can be translucent. Slimes can come in a range of colors but the most common are green, blue, yellow, and purple.

Slimes are unique in that they typically do not equip weapons. Instead, they equip skill scrolls that allow them to learn strong transformation techniques.

 Floating Slimes 
Floating slimes possess magical slime wings which allow them to hover above ground. They possess more of an affinity for magic than their counterpart, the ground slimes. They are very effective as resistance tanks.

 Ground Slimes 
Ground slimes cannot fly and do not possess wings. They are made of a heavier slime and are typically pretty slow at moving. They prefer to fight barehanded and can take major offensive damage without a sweat!


Primals are demons with a strong feral aspect. They prefer to fight before talking. They tend to form packs and don’t typically hunt alone. Primals are furry, with hair that covers their arms, legs and chest. They have tails that assist them with balance. However, they do not always possess long tails and can have more than one tail present. Sometimes they will have animal ears atop their heads, or they will have pointy ears. Their speed and strength frighten most demons, and sensible demons typically stay away from wild Primals. This has lead to Primals being the main demon species that live in the Wilds, a place where most ‘civilized’ demons will not go.

Primals do not like clothes very much. It is not uncommon to find them barely dressed or even naked! Most wild Primals tend to only wear tattered clothing, while Primals in the army can’t wait to get home and take off their uniform. Primals who have lived among the cities for generations tend to be less feral and more civilized. Other demons refer to them as ‘pedigree Primals’, because they are more refined, well-bred, and civilized. These Primals tend to clash with the wild Primals, unable to understand why they allow their inner beast to control them. Pedigree primals possess the alluring pastel fur colors and beautiful patterns that make other demons envious.

A Primal’s skin is typically fleshy colored or can match the color of their fur. Their fur can be a range of natural colors, such as browns, reds, and blacks. Primals with fancy colors such as pink or white, come from the lineage of Primals that moved into the cities. This lineage of Primals is known as the Pedigree Primals.

Some Primals choose to groom their fur or style it. Styles include: braids, perms, and fancy cuts.


Decays are a fascinating demon species that has the ability to rapidly decompose whatever they touch, and gain nutrients. Decay demons have a demonic filamentous fungi that are a part of their body. This fungi provides magical exudates that can be expelled by the Decay’s fingertips. If another demon touches a Decay they can be targeted by the fungi symbiont. The fungi, if feeling threatened, can enter the other demon’s body and cause damage. This is known as the ‘Decay Disease’. Most demons don’t want to touch Decays, and Decays don’t want to hurt their fellow comrades, therefore Decays tend to cover up their bodies with cloaks.

Decays can have mushrooms growing on their heads or shoulders, sometimes their thick tails. They like dark, moist environments, and in the wild, are often found in caves, or woody forests. Their skin tones are usually earthy, sometimes having a splotchy or striped appearance. They have hair similar to Imps, typically dark and styled with beads, rope, threads, or braids. There is a rare albino variant of Decays called ‘Pales’ but they are only produced when the parents are extremely healthy. This has lead to more wealthy Decays having a lineage with more Pales.


Spectre demons are best described as ‘ghosts’. They are born when two demon souls come together after falling in combat. They must have died within 20 yards of each other, had shared a strong relationship such as kinship or love, and perished at the same moment. Once a Spectre is born the new baby is drawn instinctively to the Spawning Grounds, where it will spend its time with the other demon babies.

Spectres are demons that have no legs, only a wispy, ethereal tail. Their upper bodies exist in the real realm, where they can interact with objects, just like any other demon. They are usually sullen, prone to depression, and can be loners. In combat they are extremely elusive and well rounded. However, they cannot take hits very well, as their tangible body is frail. When they run out of stamina, or lose enough health, they will become incorporeal and no longer able to fight. Spectres cannot die, instead they will roam the Wilds in their incorporeal form if they lose the will to live.

Spectres have ghostly pale skin with sunken in eyes. They will never have iris’, they only have sclera. They tend to have varying traits that other demons have, due to the fact that they are made of a fusion between demons.


Familiar Secret Hideout

What do you mean demons have never, ever, found this place before? How is that possible? What do you mean familiars from all over the world can portal here? That’s right! Familiars can meet up with each other in the Familiar Secret Hideout. Here they can kick back and relax, shirk some of their responsibilities, and meet other familiars!

Keep in mind that familiars that are associated with the warring factions may not like each other very much. Familiars are pretty loyal to their demon owners and are not likely to spread military secrets.


Familiar Species


Goobears are docile slime creatures that exhibit a pair of ‘ears’ atop their globular bodies and a small round ‘tail’. They move by gliding along the slime produced by their bodies, oddly enough they never seem to leave any behind them.


Kitlins are the main familiar accompanying other demons in the cities. These creatures, if brought up correctly, can be quite domestic and mild. However, if you come across a kitlin in the wild, they can be rather nasty. Kitlins were domesticated thousands of years ago and the ones found in the city are not quite like their brother’s in the wild. Kitlins love to help their demon owners, whether that be tidying up the house, carrying equipment and items for missions, or delivering letters and parcels to loved ones. They are content to work and happy to receive a reward in the form of Silkie grubs.

Kitlins come in a wide range of fur colours. Much like the Primals, Kitlins will typically have earth tones for fur colours, but can exhibit fancy colours from prestigious lineages and good breeding. Kitlins have Imp-like wings, that are smooth and leathery. Somehow these little wings allow them to fly and constantly hover. Rarely do they ever walk on the ground, that’s for low-life Kitlins that can’t fly. Small stubby horns can be present on Kitlins. Sometimes in pairs or trios, or just as one in the middle of their forehead


These small lesser demons enjoy eating up fallen scraps of food or washing dishes at demon restaurants. They love to be of help, but don’t ever get between a Mushbun and its food. Mushbuns have soft bodies made of chitin (the same material that mushrooms are made from!). If they are mistreated or hurt they will bruise very easily. They have sharp pointy fangs used to puncture their smaller prey and excrete a toxin that causes rapid bodily decay. A Mushbun bite can prove fatal if not treated quickly. Mushbuns always have a mushroom cap atop their head and ears that emerge from the mushroom cap. Their tail is made of a long mushroom with a cap at the end of it.

When Mushbuns are excited they sometimes shake their mushroom cap and cause spores to float into the air. These spores make everyone around them feel calm and happy. The Mushbun, when threatened, can release spores that paralyze its prey. Demons believe that wild Mushbuns use this technique to capture prey.




Other Species
