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I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.

I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species! ^^

Username: starriewing

Quick Q: Our MYO be either a Caffae or a Decaff (no rarity limitation on the Decaff subspecies?)


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-006. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!

Your MYO can be used for both Caffaes and Decaffs! So long as you use the same rarities (two Uncommon traits, one Rare trait), you're good to make either. Unless stated otherwise, "Caffae" is generally just a catchall term here. :)

However, there are certain traits that are Caffae-only or Decaff-only. You can review them in the trait guides accordingly.


gotcha, thank you! ^^