Posts on LVLs + Poké Start of Thread Parent


Link: (TH)

Trainer/Pokemon: Gwigolyn (TH) + Macabre (TH + Tracker)

Calculations for EXP:


  • Simple | Headshot | Bust: +5  (x5) = 25 (Macabre)
  • Lined | Clean | Lineless: +5 (x5) = +25
  • Colored: +10 (x5) = +50
  • Minimum | Photo [Gradients | Patterns]: +1 (x2) = +2 (The orange and then the tan)
  • Trainer [Max 1]: +15
    = 117 EXP

Calculations for Poké:


  • EXP x 10
    = 1,170 Poké
(One day I will figure out numbers haha~)