The Potpourri Thread

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 11 months ago) by Elissinia

this is the thread where you can come if you want to have a general discussion. anything goes in here! you can post random gifs, you can talk about your day, you can hang out and chat with friends -- literally anything goes in the potpourri board! (exceptions: don't be a dick please, there are other places on TH where u can go if u wanna be a dick.) No need to post "I hope this is okay" or "is this allowed in here?" because this is the catch-all thread for when you don't wanna make a new thread or post in another thread. HAVE FUN MY CHILDREN!!!



mawibblap play it if you want, but be careful and stop playing if it starts to overwhelm you,,, im sensitive to (most) horror games as well and i feel your pain :,) prioritize your own health, games are meant to be fun but if it’s just stressing you out then i’d take a break


^wonkypaws ahh I see, that's good to hear that I'm not the only one who is like that. =]

so here's the update, I finally gave in my urge to play zardy's maze and downloaded it, and played it, ofc with my room's lights on and without fullscreen as a attempt not to get too scared, honestly, it's kinda like horror running simulator (but this time, you gonna kill some WEED), I actually kinda like it.

I died many times, but there was this funny moment that I wanted to share so I drew the art meme about it (plz check it out),

so basically, zardy managed to scare me away into the cornfield and now I was stuck here, since being in the cornfield for too long gets you killed by zardy himself, I was in the panic trying to escape since zardy is like "oh nonono i'm not letting u get out of here xd", it also didn't help that being inside of the cornfield usually slows you down so I couldn't just run out of it, so I had two option, to get killed by zardy or to get killed by zardy
(if you're wondering which poison did I pick, I unintentionally went right after in front of zardy and got killed)

(I rambled too much so I may have messed up some of the sentences, but yea it's kinda funny moment lol)


Elissinia what if I actually start talking about mpreg here? what would you do?


mawibblap BAHAHAHA that’s so hilarious but sad at the same time. i love moments like that in games (especially horror games) where you unintentionally get fuckin played

also dw about rambling, i don’t mind it,,, i unintentionally ramble a lot so i get it lmao

also “horror running simulator (but this time, you gonna kill some WEED)” almost made me cackle in front of my family lmao


Nah I'm starting to feel like an NPC in most peoples life and honestly I take that title with pride. It can go with my collection including gems like: Toad, boomer, and grumpy disillusioned old man mentor-ish


If I had a nickel every time I played with or against a Deco Slosher user, I would have 15 coins - which may be not a lot, but I'm surprised Deco user exists in the first place


i have cramps but i'm going to be brave and still go to rehearsal tonight <3 i have so much to rehearse between the drag numbers I'm performing saturday. then rehearsing as eddie and doc scott for the Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcast I'm part of, which performs next saturday   




Yep I'm an undertaker, I've been doing it for coming up on 6 years now. I started in the business or started around the business young since both my parents were undertakers so I grew up around it I started helping in my teens and they taught me what I needed to know I went to college the year after highschool for it and it took about 4 years to get the human biology done, the chemistry, the hardest for me actually was the make-up class (I am good at rebuilding body parts and all that) but to make them look alive with makeup was difficult for me lol.

It was a lot of working with cadaver's and seeing how each chemical changes the body lol. It's a very interesting field.

I should mention about 3 of years I have been working has been with my parents, I've only been doing mostly on my own for about 2 and a little more than a half years. But I've seen some crazy stuff.