Choose a Pokémon for the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by you-are-butt

Hype for Sun & Moon and Pokémon Go have got me in a big Pokémon mood. The rules are simple. Post in character, and then tell the person above you what Pokémon you think would best match their character! You can base this on either looks alone or personality!

For example, let's say the first character posted is Haruka.
Person one: Haruka makes me think of a Woobat!What about Lulu?
Person two: I think a Sneasel would be a good Pokémon for her!  Give Jada a go!
Person three: A Meowth would be perfect for her! Try Matsuko!

And that's about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS, please try not to post an actual Pokémon-related character! It takes the fun out of choosing if you post, like, a Ho-Oh gijinka, because the next person is obviously going to pick Ho-Oh.
PPS if you want to add the little sprites, go here and just type the name of the Pokémon you're looking for at the end of the url. Happy posting!

DENTA lezbtron

I could see Merlydia kicking it with a hattrem! Hattrem.png

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Void Void_Lizard

Blacephalon, easily! Not just the clown/jester thing (but kinda also that) but some of the images give a dark and creepy vibe, perfect for a half ghost type! Also, aro gang rise up


The Dream King Reverie Shadowzim777

Ooo these two would be so adorable together in the woods. So I went with Phantump


Evelyn MissNobody

Reverie gives me vibes of a shiny altaria! I feel they would fit each other perfectly!


Fraise fizzije

i have no idea why, but i got decidueye vibes. one of the outfits in her ref even reminds me of it physically!


Shion CubicPulsar

Dragonite? I can't remember too many Pokemon off the top of my head that they remind me of and I wanted to pick a Flying type seeing as they're an aviator. Kind of an ehhh assumption but it's all I could think of.dragonite.avif

彡 ROBIN dugtrio

probably celesteela... their design just gives off their vibe


Pinacorn !! ||🍍 Cherubim_Grimm

id say a little rotom! :3479.png

🌱💧BLISS💿🌈 clownymoon

ill say fidough!! another yellow doggy based on a delicious treat! ^^


Ace (Hireath) penguincove

oh i HAVE to pick porygon for them
