What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 7 years, 9 days ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

Jeremiah Bronte DemonicAdversary

"oh!!! You seem like the type that LOVES to hear stories!! Good for you, I have tons of stories to tell!!!"


"A box of macarons! Or perhaps a strawberry shortcake?"

Meemo Akira_Misaki

"Ooh you like sweets? I just baked some cookies, if you want some!" He says with a friendly smile.

Gauge reinapepiada

I'm feeling like a nice person (lmfao) today so here, I'll give you some of the clothes I've gathered throughout these years. They're pastel, frilly and feminine. You better like them, ok? Otherwise I'll take everything back!

Bianco DioPendragon

"Hmm, how about some cookies. They are very sweet and sugary," Bianco hands Gauge a batch of cookies.

 Ramón fangmeat

bianco sounds like a real chatterbox. dad said he gave my sister a recorder to chatter away into when no one was around to have their ear chewed off so.. probably that... I guess..? yeah, I'll give you a recorder. you can talk into it and sing into it and leaves notes to yourself and.. stuff, I guess. [she shrugs. It seems like a good idea, no? Yvonne's awfully attached to her recorder still, so maybe Bianco'd like hers just as much.]

 Laderic Naiz'ren Zankyou

"Well, I have to say, your hair would do with some more care. As a professional hairdresser, I am quite concerned - so, I will give you this. It is a special gel that will make your hair softer and stronger. Do keep in mind that usually I would charge quite a lot for this, and that you are being granted quite a large favour from me.''

Ruffles reinapepiada

You seem like a competent guy! I'll give you some publicity! Pretty sure that if my acquaintances see me, they'll be all over you thinking their hair will be as beautiful as mine. What, it doesn't count if you didn't fix mine? Don't worry about that, no one will know!

Lorelei jetsetspy

"I'm not really sure what this is, or what humans like, but I don't need it so its yours now," Lorelei said, before handing Ruffles a lawn flamingo. "I like it because it's pink but it seems kinda useless."

 Zoltan Fencer

"Whenever I raise someone back from the dead, they always insist on bringing their ju-- er, valuables with them for sentimental value, only to forget about them later. So here, have this... trephine... thing? All I remember was that it was used to drill into a person's skull or something. Have fun!"

Jessimae TheMiraculousEC

"Hey! I like a bit of troublemaking too, haha! My best friend is a Chaos God after all. Here, take this thermite charge. I'm sure you'll put it to good use." 

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A waistcoat, but with slits in the back for wings. My husband complains they're hard to create or find, but I believe they're well worth the time and effort. I think you'd look fetching in such an item.

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Aerodonis Ikayuro

"Anyone who dabbles in the magical artes ought to have charms to keep wayward spirits and spells at bay."
