Two Truths and A Lie Character Edition

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by you-are-butt

Because it's been a couple of months since I last made a game.

Anyway,if you dont know how this game goes, here are the rules. 
1. Post in character. Easy, right?
2. Write two true facts about your character and one lie.
3. The person under you has to try to guess which of your three facts is a lie.
4. Come back and edit your post with the correct answer. Or, if you're too lazy and you trust people, when you go to post, you can leave your correct answer blacked out at the bottom of your post like this. 420blazeit
5. Don't be a lame-o cheater.

Need an example? Boom. You get an example.

Character 1:
1. Peed in the public pool once
2. Ate an entire pumpkin in one sitting
3. Accidentally microwaved their pet snail
Correct! 2 was the lie.

Character 2:
I think 2 is a lie
1. Killed their own parents
2. Their best friend is a monkey named Philbert
3. Their dog ate their wedding ring

And so on.

*Nsfw truths are fine, so long as they aren't explicit in any way. This rule may be changed at a later time if it makes people uncomfortable.*

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⋆。°✩Frank✩°。⋆ CrzzyCat

I think 1 is the lie! The other two seem plausible.


1. Frank loves sugar to the point everyone around him thinks it's an addiction. He doesn't think it's one.

2. Despite being scared of flowers, Frank actually enjoys other plants, and is a huge fan of them.

3. Frank has a lot of CDs, and all of them contain classical music, except for, maybe, 2.

v it's 2, actually!

Caspian Chien AsianTapWater

i'm gonna guess it's 1?

1. His father is an extremely influential and quite infamous pirate lord.

2. His best friend often calls him Jambalaya.

3. He's convinced that if something is written in a book, then it must be true, no matter how outlandish it is or even if the book is obviously a fiction book.

v nope, it's 1; his father is the captain of the town guard and vehemently hates pirates :3

Khenna Khitch

Imma guess 2

1) Khenna's favorite food is golden curry.

2) Khenna lacks what one might call a soul.

3) Khenna secretly loves hugs.

Close it's 2.

Rhubarb PK_Skeletons

Hmmm, I'm gonna say 1?


1. Before his experiment, Rhubarb worked as a travel agent

2. Rhubarb is genetically engineered to be cute, though it comes at the result of a lot of negative side affects, making him similar to a pug in that sense

3. Rhubarb has extremely poor hearing and sense of smell, though he has great eyesight to make up for those

v Yeahh, 2 is true :( The lie was 3, he has terrible eyesight but has a great sense of smell and hearing to make up for it

Skullamander Void_Lizard

I'm guessing 2 just cuz I wanna be wrong on account of being completed to a pug is a little sad

1- his tongue is forked and also purple 

2- he has extremely sharp night vision

3- he's besties with himself from a different dimension

I want to say probably 3? I can already tell he has some reptilian style eyes, so 1 and 2 kind of make a lot of sense! - it's actually 2! While your comment about reptilian features is correct, his species of dragon always has a mane of fire and therefore never needs low light vision. It's actually slightly worse in the dark than human vision.

TORK RustyReddRoses

Ahhh damn I was close though! I was considering 2 at first but I figured being a dragon maybe had some ability with their eyes so I chose 3.


I want to say probably 3? I can already tell he has some reptilian style eyes, so 1 and 2 kind of make a lot of sense!

1. She has sturdy teeth that can crack and splinter bones.

2. She shows affection through small gestures and gifts.

3. She eats bugs when she is bored.


firstly i wanna say i think tork and her character traits are really neat :3

Aw thanks! That means a lot I really appreciate the nice comment!

and i think 1 is the lie? somethin about it

Close but the lie is actually 2! Tork has a few minor genetic mutations, one of them being a strong bite force and teeth!

If Tork was going to be affectionate, she would do it way more through insulting and sort of play fighting! Gives you a jab in the shoulder!

She kinda is the type of person who believes that being mean to your friends and them back to you with stuff like names and calling each other out on BS is the closest you can get with them... 

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Corvo dandikix

I feel like 2 is a lie, he comes off as too genuiene and kind to not go all the way in doing anything it takes to save the world, and I feel like a fake sacrifice wouldn't quite do it


1) He is an almost perfect reflection of his creator 

2) He has bones, and if something touches a bone in his body directly it'll instantly crystallize

3) He is unable to cast spells without an aid of a wand or a staff


Third one is actually the lie! He can use magic just fine without any aid, and it is even stronger that way.

He does in fact have weird bone-like structures inside him that are part of the multiple curses/dark spells that brought him to life and can turn things into emeralds on contact.

Catharsis aspidev

second is lie i think? I know a lot of characters that are based on their creators, and I've also heard quite a lot about magicians, but the second one seems to me unlogical

^ OH this sounds interesting ty for explanation!!

1. He has no medical education, and for the most part learns everything from his own experience, practicing on living people.

2. He had an attempt to perform a lobotomy, which turned out to be unsuccessful.

3. He has never been attached to his patients.

first one was true actually! since he is a pirate, catharsis did not have the opportunity to learn something like this professionally, despite this, he strives to save other people's lives, although it does not always work out. sooo.... he is used to making discoveries based on past mistakes

third one was false, he cannot help but feel affection for some patients, especially those with whom he works for a long time. catharsis tends to be very compassionate towards them and often blames himself for failures

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Chris TeaCharlie

I say 2 is the lie, he looks like he would eat anything
I actually didnt expect that

1. They sometimes dress up as a woman to give cooking lessons when in need of money.
2. They murdered the mayors wife because someone payed them to.
3. They are an orphan with no trauma.

2 is the lie, he attempted to murder her but failed. His parents were lovely and died peacefully, i can't hurt my pretty princess <3

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Void Void_Lizard

I feel like 1 is the lie. 2 and 3 just seem to go well together.

1- Void's tail fire is cursed and can curse people burned by it

2- Void eats ghosts and spirits

3- Void can grow flowers from his mane

I'm guessing 1 is the lie? Curious to know which one is true, hmm... - 2 is the lie! While he can see and interact with ghosts, he can't/doesn't eat them. 1 and 3 are true, as his species specialized in curses and wards including the cursed fire. Void is also a druid capable of growing plants from his body, namely the hands, antlers, and name.

🐸 ┊ Blake Fisher RIBBISAUR

I'm guessing 1 is the lie? Curious to know which one is true, hmm...

1) Blake was once on the road to becoming an alcoholic.

2) Blake has a severe fear of storms.

3) Blake is a master at video games.

Blake's profile is not safe! Do not read it!