Two Truths and A Lie Character Edition

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by you-are-butt

Because it's been a couple of months since I last made a game.

Anyway,if you dont know how this game goes, here are the rules. 
1. Post in character. Easy, right?
2. Write two true facts about your character and one lie.
3. The person under you has to try to guess which of your three facts is a lie.
4. Come back and edit your post with the correct answer. Or, if you're too lazy and you trust people, when you go to post, you can leave your correct answer blacked out at the bottom of your post like this. 420blazeit
5. Don't be a lame-o cheater.

Need an example? Boom. You get an example.

Character 1:
1. Peed in the public pool once
2. Ate an entire pumpkin in one sitting
3. Accidentally microwaved their pet snail
Correct! 2 was the lie.

Character 2:
I think 2 is a lie
1. Killed their own parents
2. Their best friend is a monkey named Philbert
3. Their dog ate their wedding ring

And so on.

*Nsfw truths are fine, so long as they aren't explicit in any way. This rule may be changed at a later time if it makes people uncomfortable.*


Umm.. 2? Like it couldn't been a different birthday??

  1. has abusive parents
  2. is allergic to cats
  3. loves to draw lizards

it was 2mhm!

 Athena isopods

I'm going to guess 2??

  1.  Cries a lot
  2.  Killed a man with her bare hands
  3.  Thinks birds are the cutest things on the planet





Jasey unused-account


1) Her name is based on a song

2) She almost never goes outside

3) She's a total procrastinator

Nope! The answer is 3. She tends to actually get things done fairly quickly.




  1. Hates the big city
  2. Isn't a big fan of mythology
  3. Loves her parents

 2! She loves myths hehe

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River Toon-Killer

I think 2

1. Is in love with a mackintosh

2. Collects gems

3. Has two sisters



Vigor (Zahra Saab) FireFae

I'm gonna go with 3.

  1. Zahra is afraid of the ocean after a boating accident with 6 of her friends left her missing an arm and in possession of strange powers.
  2. Zahra was actually not a particularly spiritual person until after the accident and she now frequents a local crystal shop to talk with the owner about spirituality and the effect of crystals on her powers.
  3. Zahra wanted to go into psychology because of an aunt of  hers who said that she was a good listener and had a calming and healing aura.


Mackenzie Kishii Lonestarcelt

I'm gonna go with 1


1. Mackenzie is a mute by choice
2. Mackenzie became a older-sister figure for her cousin
3. Mackenzie got her scars from a car crash

Yep. 1 is the lie.Technically she can speak its just a painful process.



Aahhhh 1?

1. Hari doesn't like feminine colors
2. Hari embraces his Asian side
3. Hari has scars on his thighs from scratching

 yep it's 1, he loves pink accents 

Andrea SecretYuri

It's 1!

1. Has a complicated relationship with her boss

2. Was a very obedient slave

3. Can hardly remember what her mother looked like


Adrian Kuzuryu HowlingCat

Hmmmmmmm. 2??? :U

1) Adrian originally wanted to be a musician but after his sister passed away, he took the position of being a teacher aide in honor of his sister as she wanted to be a teacher.

2) He actually really like mythlogy to the point that he decided to minor in it.

3) He's not really a fan of dogs due to a bad experience involving being tackled by one when he was little.


Yeppers. It's 3. The man loves dogs. He even have service dog  :0


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omg maybe 1? <3

 1. Is beautiful man underneath that mask and cold exterior.

2. Comes from the ocean.

3. Is a cult leader & holds a powerful place in society.

Alex Raneri Lonestarcelt

1 maybe?

1. Alex has ADHD
2. Alex's parents are both military 
3. Alex is a mathematics major

Nope 2. Her mother is a civie doctor.