Lalions - Closed Species [First Batch!]

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago (Edited 7 years, 8 months ago) by urmille


Hey! I've been playing around with the idea of another closed species. I tried to go for something more stereotypically cute than my last attempt (rock-eating goblins, ha) and ended up with this cutie


Can Lalions guard & represent other types of flowers?
I'm definitely considering it as a super rare / custom trait. Perhaps something that's unlocked with MYO events? Lalions (lapine + dandelions) were meant to be dandelion-exclusive, hence their name, and other flowers may not work as well with the whole seeding/blooming thing because they aren't as distinct in those plants. However I don't see why they wouldn't be alright as long as they're not commonplace. That being said I have done test runs (eg. Astraeus' Francis) where the flower is represented through patterning instead of replacing the dandelion parts - hopefully that shows haha. Being able to do that means that other flowers can be included without the price associated with customs.

Are they any particular size? What's their lifespan like?
In both their alternate and our dimension they are small, fairy-size creatures. They're also invisible to humans/animals unless they choose to be seen. However, Lalions can take on a form the size of a short human* if they wish, it's just tiring to maintain for long lengths of time. They are immortal creatures who can only be killed by outside forces, such as a human foot.
* This means they're about 5'0", not that they look human. Lalions retain their traits when they upsize.

What's the deal with their flowers? How are they created?
When they pop into existance (in the alternate dimension) they instantly form a bond to the seed of a dandelion on Earth. This bond allows the Lalion to manipulate the lifeforce of the flower directly with their magic, as well as influence luck to favour its survival. Basically, they want to keep it alive for as long as possible, and when it eventually dies they form a new connection with one of the dandelion's offspring. I'm exploring the concept of flowerless Lalions whose dandelions were unable to breed before dying.
If two Lalions breed their child is instantly created in the same way - but it could be anywhere within the dimension. Family bonding isn't particularly common due to this.

Do Lalions eat? Socialise? Have a life?
Yes, they can and do. They 'feed' on solar energy from the sun in a process similar to photosynthesis.  Lalions would generally stay by themselves, but since 99% of them share a common interest in plants there would be areas and times when they would socialise. They are otherworldly, so many would meet up in their alternate dimension in natural, flowery places. Lalions who've hopped over into Earth would definitely have groups that they stick to for safety and familiarity. They hold gatherings but don't settle permanently.

What is this 'alternate dimension'?
I imagine it as a rather empty version of Earth. It doesn't have any animals inhabiting it and is magically sustained. It also isn't a real-time equivalent, so if you backtracked 3000 years when humans hadn't altered the land through agriculture, that's pretty much what it would look like. Overall, a very peaceful place where Lalions are completely safe from outside influences.





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The need I have for one of these babs ;u; so cute! <3 Looove magical species a lot. Always looking for more of them uvu; I think so far they seem pretty well put together in my honest opinion.


Astraeus Yesss. I feel you - I wanna collect all of the magical/galaxy adopts but can't. I think these were very much an extension on what I want adopt-wise in my head lmao. Thank you! (':


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^ Added a Lalion who's free to a good home ♥ ^



*Slams fist down* That bab right there! *Stares in awe* What sort of thing would you like to work out for them? 


Astraeus Aaah! I'm cool with them going to you for free. I'm can send you the higher-res version through PM if you'd like.


urmille aaaah yes please! feel free to send through PM! i'll have to work some writing out for this new bab~ <3


^ urmille casually loses thread ^


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Thank you <3 I really love adopts that have multiple forms, and flowers fit into that really well. Dandelions especially because they're an excuse to draw floof lmao


pssst people these are cute, i have two myself; psst, urmille made a very neat and adorable species, flowers are amazing.