PSA: PayPal Fees (DO's and DONT'S) + TUTORIAL

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by sonyaism

EDIT: Unsure where to put this, a follower of mine told me "General" would be good enough. lol


Hey everyone. Recently, I was in a situation concerning PayPal fees that left me salty.

So, being salty, I posted a PSA on my bulletins.

Then, being even saltier, I updated and moved my PayPal Tutorial (used to be on dA) which I am here to share with you today!

Before I get started, I would like to just address PayPal Fees.


It goes against PayPal's User Agreement to charge
your customer/buyer PayPal's Trasaction Fees.


International Transactions

Please be aware that as of late 2016, PayPal has installed auto-currency exchange.
Please refer to my guide on Weebly on how to deal with it.
Please check in with people you are buying from outside the country if they want their money in USd or their home-currency.
ALSO, fees are higher than normal fees when sending abroad.


Transaction Fees

  • DO know that asking someone to cover your PayPal Fees will get you in trouble.
    • They can limit or freeze your account which means you won't be able to receive or spend funds, depending.

  • DO know that it is against PayPal's User Agreement to charge someone PayPal's Transaction Fees.

  • DO raise your prices discreetly if the fees are that much of a hassle.

  • DO not ask for your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
  • DON'T use "Friends & Family" payment method to avoid fees.
    • As a Seller: Potentially can limit/freeze your account.
    • As a Buyer: The seller is able to scam you because this does not offer "PayPal Protection" which means you are unable to open a dispute against them if they run off with your money.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
Note: If you were someone that added an extra dollar or more when sending money, that can be considered a "tip."
You put extra money onto the transaction out of your own volition. No one asked you to do so.
If the seller did ask you to cover the fees, then they are violating PayPal's User Agreement which you, under no circumstance, should be covering the fees.



Screenshot of the User Agreement Clause






Thanks for taking a read!

Feel free to critique, corret, and comment below!

I need the feedback. :')

>>sonyaism ♥


i told someone about this and another person came in and tried to say it was ok and was between the buyer and seller

i refuse to buy anything where the seller asks me to cover the fees


Bumping this!


Your soul has a special place in Christian heaven if it's real


wait can someone explain this to me? like i haven't set up anything yet because I'm concerned about fees. Like do we use Paypal calculator and price it that way to cover fee?? I also have no clue about invoices either? all this is new to me... any help would be greatly appreciated. 


not gonna lie, the people that send 'tips' to cover the fee without being asked are absolute angels. I would never ask anyone to cover the fees despite how annoying they are, so people who tip out the kindness of their heart have a special place in mine.

paypal fees are not cost of living friendly, please be aware sometimes the fee can be a little hefty!


Also, how should we tell the person we can’t send through friends and family and can’t add money to cover the tax/currency difference overseas? I don’t want to be an ass or come off as rude (especially to someone who you REALLY want to commission) because I don’t want to come off as one, but it’s just so awkward😭 and I had to add $2 to cover the oversea fee yesterday and I didn’t want to seem stuck up😭


Tawnystar you could just say something like "Hey, I don't think I can send the payment through friends and family because it's against PayPal's tos"

when it comes to currency tax, it'd depend on whether or not the prices are listed in the currency they take, if it's not then the tax is 100% on them but if the prices are listed in their currency and not yours then I think the tax would be on you to cover but you could always as them for clarification

I get really wanting a commission from someone but if they're willing to take part is sketchy practices or think you're being rude for following PayPal's tos then it'd probably be best to find a different artist


Just wanting to place this here as PayPal has gotten even more ridiculous with their fees , specifically their conversion fees:


for the tracking info, they dont have "orders processes/services rendered" anymore, just "orders processed". Can I still use that or? Man, i miss the old paypal layout >.> it doesnt even have information regarding digital goods/services w no tracking.


What if the buyer IS friends/family?


then I think that’s different. No one is gonna snitch on you, as thats your family. Technically speaking youre doing nothing wrong- if you called PayPal they’d probably just say it’s within their terms

Friends and family just doesn’t have purchase protection on, that’s about it. If you trust them i dont see the problem 


marked Ill be coming back to this


Thank you