PSA: PayPal Fees (DO's and DONT'S) + TUTORIAL

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by sonyaism

EDIT: Unsure where to put this, a follower of mine told me "General" would be good enough. lol


Hey everyone. Recently, I was in a situation concerning PayPal fees that left me salty.

So, being salty, I posted a PSA on my bulletins.

Then, being even saltier, I updated and moved my PayPal Tutorial (used to be on dA) which I am here to share with you today!

Before I get started, I would like to just address PayPal Fees.


It goes against PayPal's User Agreement to charge
your customer/buyer PayPal's Trasaction Fees.


International Transactions

Please be aware that as of late 2016, PayPal has installed auto-currency exchange.
Please refer to my guide on Weebly on how to deal with it.
Please check in with people you are buying from outside the country if they want their money in USd or their home-currency.
ALSO, fees are higher than normal fees when sending abroad.


Transaction Fees

  • DO know that asking someone to cover your PayPal Fees will get you in trouble.
    • They can limit or freeze your account which means you won't be able to receive or spend funds, depending.

  • DO know that it is against PayPal's User Agreement to charge someone PayPal's Transaction Fees.

  • DO raise your prices discreetly if the fees are that much of a hassle.

  • DO not ask for your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
  • DON'T use "Friends & Family" payment method to avoid fees.
    • As a Seller: Potentially can limit/freeze your account.
    • As a Buyer: The seller is able to scam you because this does not offer "PayPal Protection" which means you are unable to open a dispute against them if they run off with your money.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
Note: If you were someone that added an extra dollar or more when sending money, that can be considered a "tip."
You put extra money onto the transaction out of your own volition. No one asked you to do so.
If the seller did ask you to cover the fees, then they are violating PayPal's User Agreement which you, under no circumstance, should be covering the fees.



Screenshot of the User Agreement Clause






Thanks for taking a read!

Feel free to critique, corret, and comment below!

I need the feedback. :')

>>sonyaism ♥


That's helpful, i didn't knew that :0




Honestly it still rly frustrates me now how ridiculous PayPal has become with its fees, especially recently. It’s caused me to literally again up my general prices due to rising fees.

It doesn’t help how they’ve smartly came prepared and banned surcharging too, to prevent the extra cost of how bad the fees are being covered in anyway apart from upping your actual prices everywhere. I’ve also had a artist friend of mine recently already complain about cancelling using PayPal all together, Paypal literally took over $4+ worth of money from her commission money for “fees” which is ridiculous. 

I will be sourcing this thread to some friends of mine so they can understand PayPal a little better or hope too to move to another payment option which doesn’t steal most of your money, thank you so much for making this.


You have just helped me so much you have no idea! Bless ;v; ♥


someone asked me to cover their fees and I didnt know this so I did. am I in trouble?? 


Frenzyy You shouldn't be any trouble for it, the seller is the one primarily in trouble for surcharging fees so you shouldn't need to worry. ^^


i know that this is a very old thread but tysm for making this, it really helped me figure out how I want to set up my paypal <3


I've been hearing people are currently having issues with the PayPal services(again), primarily with the app. 

The Paypal App keeps freezing for users when they are trying to transfer money to their bank, Currently. :/


hey thank you for making this, i just pinned it to my dashboard to be safe!


To be fair I was considering looking for other options instead of PayPal. I rarely get commissions, so when I do it's really important to me that I can count the money I'll get, but fees and conversion rates (yeah, I have Hungarian Forint HUF) kills me. It's not just a few cents they are taking off from me, but last time it was almost 3 EUR. Out of 20. That's hella lot if you think about it. And I think it's pretty unfair. So I hope to find some other platform instead of this greedy ripping off machine. 


I recently had to do a charge back for a piece of art due to lack of communication

if it had been friends or family, it would have just been gone.

I understand it stinks losing some to paypal but the protection is just necessary sadly :(


I never asked for someone to send more then what I orginaly asked for, I feel like If the buyer sends me the correct amount I priced and problems arise afterward from my own ignorance for not pricing correctly. Im the fool and Im not going to alter a deal I agree to afterward. Feels petty and wrong to mess with customers trust. 


Legit just paid $13 in fees…for a sale. I…ughhhhh I don’t like charging my client extra to cover the fee but I might have to start charging slightly more or look for a different payment service because what the actual heck.

I’d rather just pay a monthly maintainable fee at this point.