She gone

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 6 months ago) by Pinky

Since I've moved all my sales to gumroad, i really don't need two threads anymore !! From now on if you're using freebies please post here !


Thank you so much for making these! It's been a long time sense I first learned html coding and I've forgotten most of it unfortunatly.

I'll be giving #3 a try. I may use it on all my characters, but for now I'll test run with my kalons ^^



Got a new User HTML & a new character HTML up !


I just recently joined! This is so helpful I used user 4 and character 1 htmls and they're the best, thank you so much for making these!


Thank you for creating these, wicked! These will be helpful for profiles and character bios. ^^

Also, I used the fourth User HTML for my profile, by the way! ^^


Thank for new HTML profile update. Using it now.:>


anddddddddd one more new user profile!

my wifi was garbage tonight and i didnt have the patience for css so i did some more html (o o)9


These are really great! Thanks for letting everyone use them!

I'll be using the Cards Light character profile. owo/


These are awesome! I'm gonna snag Cards Dark for my babies.

Thanks so much for making these! <3


if its ok, i'm going to use the fourth user profile and second character profile c:


Oh these are so nice, thanks for making them qwq

I think I am gonna use, Stars (Freebie 1) and Boxes (Freebie 2) for some of my characters 


I've used a couple of the templates on my account. :3 Thank you for making them!


Using the Boxes one for some of my characters They are all awesome, thank you for making them c: